Sustainable Literacy


SDG 17.4.4

To become globally connected, forward-looking education institutions dedicated to sustainability, Campus with a Conscience (CWAC) was initiated in 2021. CWAC is a philosophy distinctively unique to Sunway University, where concepts of sustainable development and planetary health are not just embedded in the curriculum, but is visibly seen through the actions and activities across campus. It reflects a community built upon individuals who stay accountable to our planet and its people. The  Campus with a Conscience ideology is taken very seriously by the Sunway community to showcase how baby steps toward sustainable living can indeed make a difference. These steps include reaching out to the wider community through education and sharing of best practices using the Campus with a Conscious webinar series platform and e-bulletins. All Campus with a Conscience events are open to all staff and students, alumni, the community. the Campus With A Conscience Committee has successfully developed and launched an online SDG Education Course campus-wide in partnership with the SDG Academy, as one of its initiatives to drive sustainability efforts in the SEG in January 2022. The course is designed to strengthen our staff and students' foundational understanding of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

This initiative will not only have a vast impact on the University's community but it is also hoped to also create a positive ripple effect to the community around them for many years to come. It is backed by strong support from the management such as the Founder and Chairman of Sunway Group, Tan Sri Dato' Seri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO, and CEO of Sunway Education Group, Prof. Elizabeth Lee. The online course for staff consists brief lecture videos, whereby Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals, shares the history, scope, and significance of SDGs as well as explore how learners can be responsible in contributing to the SDG Goals in different roles. There are also relevant reading materials, comprehensive assessment, and discussions prompting learners to think critically about how the SDGs apply to their personal and professional lives. As it is important for all staff to be educated on this topic, they are required to complete this course within this year, and their progress will be reported.

Every student in Sunway University has to complete the compulsory MOHE MPU subjects offered under the General Studies Department (GSD). Beginning in 2022, the General Studies Department has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) modules in their teaching and learning content by providing two SDG videos from the SDG Academy for review during pre-class activities. Another 10 SDG videos were given to students for group discussion. After watching the videos and going through the group discussion, students are required to do critical analysis, write a report, and present it in class. The content of the MPU subjects has elements of current issues, and one of the modules has current issues related to SDGs, which students can implement or apply in their daily lives.

View more details on Sustainability Courses with SDG Academy