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If Socso's funds drop, government will provide aid'
Prof Yeah commented on government relief efforts in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Redefining the global ‘new normal’ after COVID-19
Dr. Ooi Kee Beng comments on COVID-19 being a wake-up call to act on environmental, economic and existential problems predating the pandemic.
Penjana well covered to help kick-start economic recovery in pandemic crisis - economists
Prof Yeah comments on impact of government relief during the COVID-19 pandemic and its prospects for economic relief.
NST Leader: Economic Recovery Plan
Prof Yeah comments on the Economic Recovery Plan's (ERP) impact on restoring the economy.
Lure Hongkongers fleeing security law, Putrajaya urged
Prof Yeah comments on the viability of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme for migrating Hong Kong residents.
High-speed rail key to Bandar Malaysia’s success, says economist
Prof Yeah proposed sustainable development of the Bandar Malaysia project through linking it with the high-speed rail project to Singapore, preventing a retail and commercial space glut.