Publication Date: July, 2020

JCI-JSC-WP-2020-02: FDI Activities and Integration in ASEAN and East Asia

Publication date: July 2020 | Length of paper: 28 pages | ISBN: TBC

This paper examines the FDI activities and investment integration in Asia with a particular focus on ASEAN countries. It covers the FDI literature on linkages, spillovers, global value-chain, network economy, and impact on economic growth. The paper also discusses the institutional developments in investment policy in ASEAN in terms of the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Area (ACIA) vis-à-vis the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The policy recommendations for further investment integration in the region is also discussed.


Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia
Head-Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia, Senior Fellow-Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

  Shujiro Urata

  Dessie Tarko Ambaw

The JCI-JSC Working Paper series is published to disseminate preliminary research findings and stimulate intellectual discourse on wide-ranging public policy issues, ranging from security to sustainability. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia and the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development.