Publication Date: July, 2021

Pulication Tags

JCI-JSC-WP-2021-03: Options for Decarbonizing Malaysia

Publication date: June 2021 | Length of paper: 44 pages | ISBN: 978-967-5492-62-4

The ASEAN Green Future project is a collaboration between the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, ClimateWorks Australia, the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development at Sunway University, and research groups from Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia and Thailand, with potential participation from Brunei, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, and Viet Nam in the future). The Phase 1 report of each country team presents priorities and actions to date, and key technology and policy opportunities to further advance domestic climate action.

The Phase 1 regional report situates the region’s path to low-carbon transition within a global context using the country reports and other studies. This series of reports, produced through a synthesis of existing research and knowledge, builds the case for advancing the region’s climate agenda. Phase 2 of the ASEAN Green Future project will undertake quantitative assessments of the different options for decarbonizing the ASEAN countries.


  Leong Yuen Yoong

Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Special Studies Division, Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

  Michael James Platts

University of Cambridge

  Amran Sofiyan

Cekap Techical Services Sdn Bhd

  Fun Woh Peng

Professor, Special Studies Division
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia

Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

  Teh Ah Kau

Sunway University

  Andrew Fan Chiah Howe

Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

Senior Analyst

  Low Wai Sern

Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

Research Associate

  Agamutu Pariatamby

Senior Fellow

  Chen Jit Ern

Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

Research Fellow

  Gopalasamy Reuben Clements

Professor and Associate Dean (Research)
School of Medical and Life Sciences, Sunway University

Senior Fellow
Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia
Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development

The JCI-JSC Working Paper series is published to disseminate preliminary research findings and stimulate intellectual discourse on wide-ranging public policy issues, ranging from security to sustainability. The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia and the Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development.