CAS Engagement Session with Sunway University

CAS Engagement Session with Sunway University


As an institution committed to delivering quality higher education and contributing to the developments within the field of Actuarial Science, the School of Mathematical Sciences is proud to highlight our recent partnership with Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS).

Conducted by CAS staff actuary and China Country Director, Ran Guo, an engagement event involving our BSc (Hons) in Actuarial Studies students, 7 Fellows of CAS and nearly 40 incoming Associates of CAS from across Asia, primarily Singapore, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, India, and Hong Kong, was held on Sunway University Campus.

CAS Engagement Session with Sunway University


The event kicked off with an insightful address by Ran Guo who enlightened attendees with industry insights on the CAS pathway, career opportunities, and highlighted the increasing market demand for casualty and property actuaries.

The key itinerary was the professional networking session between our actuarial studies students and CAS members, which greatly fostered both personal and professional development of our students, equipping the next generation of actuarial professionals with indispensable insights and connections.

CAS Engagement Session with Sunway University


As the Silver Partner for CAS, the School of Mathematical Sciences commends Bo Lin, Asia Regional Director, Ran Guo, CAS staff actuary and China Country Director, Chan Lay Guat, Head of the Department of Actuarial Science and Risk, and CAS for your commitment in empowering our students and further developing the field of Actuarial Science. We look forward to continuing our partnership!