Planetary Health News

Activities / News

We are at War with Nature' – and We Urgently Need to Make Peace

In the battle to ensure humankind's survival on this planet, the loss of one species – like the Malayan tiger – might not seem like a lot. Yet every single animal and plant we lose forever is another step towards the extinction of the human race.

Safeguarding Human Health in the Anthropocene Epoch

Far-reaching changes to the structure and function of the Earth's natural systems represent a growing threat to human health. And yet, global health has mainly improved as these changes have gathered pace. What is the explanation?

Tackling the Politics of Intersectoral Action for the Health of People and Planet

Kent Buse and colleagues argue that unlocking the potential for intersectoral action on climate and health requires thinking politically about its facilitators and barriers.

Pathways Linking Climate Change and HIV/AIDS: An Updated Conceptual Framework and Implications for the Philippines

While the pathways that link climate change and different disease areas are better understood, the connection between climate change and HIV/AIDS is still yet to be recognized both in research and practice. This review features one of the frameworks on the HIV-climate nexus described in earlier…

Beyond the Hippocratic Oath: A Planetary Health Pledge for the Malaysian Medical Community

We now live in the Anthropocene Age, an age where humans are the most significant force shaping the planet’s climate and ecosystems. Without adequate levels of care for the larger planet that we live on, both human health and human development are compromised.

Tackling Air Pollution in the Philippines

Even after three decades since the passage of the country's Clean Air Act, the Philippines is still nowhere near achieving comprehensive air pollution control.

Financing the Future of WHO

WHO's resources have consistently lagged behind its constitutional mandate. There is a deep misalignment between what governments and the public expect WHO to do and what the organization is resourced to do.

5 Things You Can Do To Reduce Your Food's Carbon Footprint

This destruction of our ecosystems simply to satisfy our appetites is problematic from a planetary health perspective.

Global health educational trips: ethical, equitable, environmental?

Global health education in medical schools and at premedical undergraduate levels in high-income countries is often limited to short courses aimed at introducing students to the topic. These courses frequently include or focus on trips to low and middle-income countries, so the students can ‘…

Exclusive: Former Malaysia advisor calls for public health to tackle climate change

Tan Sri Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, Director and Professor at the Sunway Centre for Planetary Health, Malaysia, explains why public health goes hand in hand with protecting the environment.

Plastics Are A Planetary Health Crisis – Can You Do Anything About It?

A resolution, agreed at the United Nations Environment Assembly held in Nairobi (from Feb 28 to March 2, 2022), calls for a plastics treaty to be negotiated over the next two years.

The future belongs to the youth, it's time we listen to them

Our country is poorly prepared for the larger planetary health crisis.