Ariff Fahdlan bin Amin

Ariff Fahdlan bin Amin

  • Teaching Fellow and Programme Leader
  • for Diploma in Interior Design
Department of Art, Design and Media


Ariff Fahdlan completed his Masters of Architecture in University of Adelaide, South Australia. Before his involvement in his academic career, Ariff has worked as a Design Architect for Ou Yang Architect and was involved in several architectural projects. Ariff furthered his career into academia, focusing on teaching graphic and visual communication as well as concept development in architecture studies.  

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • Master of Architecture, University of Adelaide
  • Bachelor of Design Studies, Major: Architectural and Landscape study, University of Adelaide

Research Interests

  • Ornamentation in Architecture
  • Cognitive behavior in relation to designed space
  • History of Architecture
  • Storytelling in Architecture Design

Teaching Areas

  • Interior Architecture
  • Architectural Design
  • Visual Communiction
  • History of Architecture

Courses Taught

  • Interior Architecture
  • Architecture

Achievements & Accolades

  • Artwork featured in PAM art and Photography Exhibition 2017 

Professional Associations

  • Graduate Architect - Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia