Educational Development & Innovation

What We Do

EDI is a unique department that fulfils a dual role within the School of Education and Sunway University. We are dedicated to supporting the continuous professional development of our academic staff. Through a variety of activities, we equip our faculty with the latest pedagogical knowledge and skills. This, in turn, empowers them to foster superior learning experiences for our students. EDI's commitment extends beyond workshops and training.  We also offer academic programs, acting as a catalyst for fostering excellence in both teaching and learning within and beyond the University.

Our Vision

We seek to provide a conducive, supportive and inclusive learning environment for Sunway University students to achieve success in their studies.

Our Mission

We support and develop academics' skills and knowledge in pedagogy and nurture their life-long learning skills so that they stay relevant, innovative and effective as educators.


Continuing Professional Development for Academic Staff

We offer a range of training and development programmes, including tailored programmes, to suit a range of academic staff - from early career academics to those seeking to enhance their current teaching practices. We believe that this will help academics enhance their teaching skills, broaden their knowledge base and stay abreast of the latest pedagogical advancements in their fields. Click for some examples of CPD programmes

CPD Programmes

Prog Dev

Programme Development and Review

EDI actively collaborates with Schools and other stakeholders in meticulously reviewing and enhancing academic programmes. This commitment ensures that Sunway's programmes remain relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with both the university's educational objectives and national aspirations.

Education Research

Educational Research

EDI closely engages with academics interested in conducting classroom action research, demonstrating our commitment to advancing educational research initiatives.

Acad Programs

Academic Programmes

EDI currently offers the Postgraduate Certificate in HIgher Education Practice (PCHEP).  In 2024, we will offer two more programmes: Masters in Education (Online and Distance Learning (ODL)) and Masters in Education (Conventional).