Anita Devi Draviasingam

Anita Devi Draviasingam

  • Teaching Fellow
English for Specific Academic Purposes


Anita Devi is teaching Academic English modules at the Centre for English Language Studies, Sunway University. She holds a Master of Education Administration and a Bachelor of English (TESL). Prior to this, she spent six years teaching English at the tertiary level. She has taught both local as well as International students. Recently, she was conferred a Fellow Member of the Higher Education Academy of the UK after completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (International) from Lancaster University.

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • MEd in Education Administration, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia (2016)
  • BEd (Hons) Teaching English as Second Language, University Industry Selangor, Malaysia (2009)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (International) Lancaster University, UK (2022)

Research Interests

  • Project Based Learning
  • Feedback Literacy
  • Self-Regulated Learning
  • Technology enhanced learning
  • E-Portfolio

Achievements & Accolades

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (2022)