Michelle Chan Mei Gwen

Michelle Chan Mei Gwen

  • Lecturer
English for Specific Academic Purposes


<p>I am currently a lecturer in English, specializing in the academic application of language. I hold a Master's degree from the University of Oregon and a Bachelor's degree from University Putra Malaysia, both in Linguistics and Education. Recently, I celebrated a milestone of 10 years of service with the Sunway Education Group. My research interests remain strong in collaborative learning and learner agency.


Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • Postgraduate Certification (Higher Education, International), University of Nottingham (2020)
  • M. Arts (Linguistics), University of Oregon, USA (2011)
  • B.Arts (English Language), University Putra Malaysia (2010)

Research Interests

  • Collaborative learning and learner agency

Achievements & Accolades


<li>10 years Long Service Award, Sunway Education Group, 2022.</li>
<li>Paper Presentation at Sunway Conference on Learning and Teaching, 2022, Education for a Sustainable Future. </li>
<li>Paper Presentation at 29th MELTA International Conference, 2021, Be Future Ready: Shaping New Understandings in the ELT Landscape. </li>
<li>Sunway Pre-University Most Promising Lecturer Award, 2017. </li>
