Eligibility and Requirements

Eligibility and Requirements


Competition Category:

  1. High school category (16-19 years old) 
  2. University category (18-25 years old)


  1. 高中组(16-19岁)
  2. 大学组(18-25岁)


Competition Eligibility and Requirements:

  • Participants in the competition must be citizens or permanent residents of China or ASEAN member states and must be currently enrolled as active students in an educational institution at the time of participation. They are required to obtain endorsement from their institution to participate.
  • Each team participating in the competition can consist of a minimum of 2 students and a maximum of 3 students. Teams have the flexibility to include members from different educational institutions. However, it is important to note that teams cannot mix students from high school and university categories within the same team.
  • The official language of the competition is English, and all submissions, presentations, and communications must be conducted in English throughout the competition phases.


  • 竞赛的参赛者必须是中国或东盟成员国的公民或永久居民,并且在参赛时必须是教育机构的在读学生。参赛者需要获得所在机构的认可才能参赛。
  • 每支参赛队伍可以由2至3名学生组成。团队可以包含来自不同教育机构的成员。然而,请注意,同一团队内不能混合高中和大学类别的学生。
  • 竞赛的官方语言为英语,所有的提交材料、演示和交流必须在竞赛的各个阶段使用英语进行。


Competition Phases and Timeline:

Phase 1: Launch and Call for Participation (8 weeks: 17 July – 6 Sept 2024)

  • The launch will be conducted at Sunway University during the China-Malaysia Innovation Future Summit 2024 (16 July 2024), marking the official start of the competition.
  • Participants will have a duration of 8 weeks to form teams, prepare their concept proposals, and create a 2-minute video using the template provided for submission. 
  • Participants are required to submit a written concept proposal and a 2-minute video detailing the identified Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) challenge and their proposed innovative solution. 
  • All submissions, including proposals and videos, must be uploaded via the designated online portal. 
  • Teams are encouraged to share their videos on social media platform (TikTok) to facilitate public voting, which will remain open for one week. 


阶段1:启动及招募参赛者 (8周:2024年7月17日 – 9月6日)

  • 在2024年中国-马来西亚创新未来峰会期间(2024年7月16日),该活动将在双威大学启动,标志着比赛的正式开始。
  • 参与者将有8周的时间组建团队,准备他们的概念提案,并使用提供的模板制作一段2分钟的视频进行提交。
  • 参赛者需提交书面概念提案和一个2分钟的视频,详细描述所识别的可持续发展目标(SDG)挑战及其提出的创新解决方案。
  • 所有提交内容,包括提案和视频,必须通过指定的在线门户上传。
  • 鼓励团队在社交媒体平台(TikTok)上分享他们的视频,以便进行为期一周的公众投票。

Phase 2: Concept Proposal (2 weeks: 7 Sept – 20 Sept 2024)

  • Each submission will be assigned to at least 2 judges for evaluation based on a standard assessment rubric. Score will be normalised for selection of top 20 teams in each category. 
  • The top 10 teams in each category will be selected to advance to phase 3 based on combined scores from judges' evaluations and public votes. 
  • Outcome: The selection of the top 10 teams in each category to progress to phase 3. 

阶段2:概念提案 (2周:2024年9月7日 – 9月20日)

  • 每份提交内容将分配给至少2位评委,根据标准评估标准进行评估。分数将进行标准化,以选出每个类别的前20名团队。
  • 每个类别中得分最高的前10支队伍将根据评委评估和公众投票的综合得分晋级到第三阶段。
  • 结果: 选出每个类别的前10支队伍进入第三阶段。

Phase 3: Online Mentorship and Proposal Enhancement (4 weeks: 21 Sept – 11 Oct 2024)

  • Expert mentors will be assigned to provide guidance and support to the qualified teams, assisting them in refining their ideas and proposals. 
  • Mentorship sessions will be conducted through an online platform to facilitate remote collaboration and learning. 
  • Teams will participate in online pitching sessions where they will receive constructive feedback from mentors and judges.
  • The score accumulates and contributes to the final score for winning. 

阶段3:在线指导与提案改进 (4周:2024年9月21日 – 10月11日)

  • 专家导师将被分配给合格团队,提供指导和支持,帮助他们完善想法和提案。
  • 指导课程将通过在线平台进行,以促进远程协作和学习。
  • 团队将参加在线演讲环节,获得导师和评委的建设性反馈。
  • 所得分数将累计并贡献于最终的获胜分数。

Phase 4: Youth Innovation Summer Camp (4 Days/3 Nights: Mid-Oct 2024 - TBD)

  • Location: Sunway University, Malaysia.
  • The camp will feature a series of workshops, hands-on activities, and site visits aimed at further developing teams' prototypes and enhancing their presentation skills. 
  •  Teams will prepare and deliver their final pitches before a panel of industry and academic judges. 
  • Outcome: Selection of the top 3 teams in each category as competition winners. 

阶段4:青年创新夏令营 (3天4夜:2024年10月中旬 - 待定)

  • 地点:马来西亚双威大学
  • 夏令营将举办一系列工作坊、实操活动和现场参观,旨在进一步开发团队的原型并提升他们的展示技能。
  • 夏令营将举办一系列工作坊、实操活动和现场参观,旨在进一步开发团队的原型并提升他们的展示技能。
  • 结果: 选出每个类别的前三名团队作为比赛获胜者。

Phase 5: Grand Closing and Award Ceremony (Nov 2024 – TBD)

  • Location: China 
  • The competition will conclude with a grand closing ceremony held in China, where awards will be presented to recognize the achievements of participating students and outstanding teams. 
  • The ceremony will celebrate collaborative successes and showcase innovative solutions developed during the competition. 

阶段5:盛大闭幕式及颁奖典礼 (2024年11月 – 待定)

  • 地点:中国
  • 比赛将在中国举行盛大的闭幕式,颁发奖项以表彰参赛学生和优秀团队的成就。
  • 颁奖典礼将庆祝合作成果,展示在比赛期间开发的创新解决方案。