Event Objectives

Event Objectives   |  活动目标:

  1. Ignite the spark of scientific curiosity among high school and undergraduate students from China and ASEAN member states, cultivating their practical skills and innovative mindset.
  2. Strengthen the bond between China and ASEAN, paving the way for joint ventures in science and technology.
  3.  Provide a dynamic platform for students to showcase their academic prowess, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange between the youth of both nations.
  4. Foster multilateral relations and cultural understanding between China and ASEAN, empowering the next generation of leaders to tackle global challenges outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a brighter and more sustainable future.
  1. 点燃中国和东盟国家高中生和大学本科生对科学好奇心的火花,培养他们的实践技能和创新思维,为他们打开探索未知领域的大门,激发对科学和技术的热情,奠定未来学术和职业生涯的坚实基础。
  2. 加强中国和东盟国家产学研方面的合作,促进科技合作的同时,推动跨国科学研究和技术创新与科技成果转化,为全球性挑战提供更创新的解决方案。e
  3. 为学生提供一个展示学术实力的动态平台,促进两国青年之间的合作和知识交流,激发他们的学术潜能,鼓励勇于探索和创新,成为未来领域的领军人才和变革者。
  4. 促进中国和东盟国家之间的双边关系和文化理解,培养具有全球视野和跨文化交流能力的领导人,使他们能够更好地应对全球挑战,为构建更加和谐、繁荣和可持续的未来做出贡献。