Event Highlights

Event Highlights  |  活动亮点:

The China-ASEAN Innovation Quest kicks off in July with an opening ceremony, hosted in Malaysia to coincide with the official visit of the China delegation for the 50th anniversary celebration. This momentous occasion will mark the announcement of the Quest and the opening of registrations in both regions. Additionally, Sunway University Malaysia and the China Association for International Science and Technology Cooperation will formalize their partnership with the signing of a memorandum of understanding.

Over the course of two months, high school and undergraduate students from China and ASEAN will participate in a dynamic competition, working collaboratively in teams to develop innovative solutions to address grand challenges. Throughout the competition, students will receive guidance from appointed scientist mentors and participate in workshops and training sessions covering entrepreneurial mindsets, ideation, pitching, and other innovative tools and techniques. This phase of the competition will take place online, allowing for maximum flexibility and accessibility.

As the competition progresses, selected finalist teams will have the opportunity to attend a youth innovation summer camp at Sunway University Malaysia. Here, they will engage in hands-on activities, further refine their projects, and participate in networking opportunities with peers and industry experts. The culmination of the competition will occur during the camp, where finalist teams will pitch their solutions to a distinguished panel of judges from industry and academics.

Finally, the China-ASEAN Innovation Quest will conclude with a grand closing and awards ceremony held in China at the end of the year. This event will celebrate the achievements of participating students, recognize exceptional teams, and highlight the impact of collaboration and innovation in addressing global challenges.



