
Activities / News

Reflecting on the Attempt to be Innovative in Teaching the Subject of Innovation 

Yeong Hui Yan Sunway Innovation Labs (iLabs) School of Interdisciplinary Studies Sunway University

Inquiry-Based Biology Before, During and After Lockdowns: Learner Engagement and Experience 

Dr Paul Davidson Liyana Amir Canadian International Matriculation (CIMP) Sunway College KL

Inspire New Approaches to Self-Guided Learning

Rita Lo Karen Lui Koon Ling Siti ‘Atikah Rusli School of Hospitality and Service Management Sunway University

Shifting Gears & Mischiefs: e-Portfolios in Project-based Learning (PBL)  

Siti Zuraiyni Yassin Centre for English Language Studies (CELS) School of Interdisciplinary Studies Sunway University

Undergraduates Can Still Play: Non-traditional Means to Assess Students' Learning

TamilSelvan Ramis Center for American Education (CAE) School of Interdisciplinary Studies Sunway University

Enhancing Active Learning in Mathematics with Blackboard Journals 

Dr Shalini Nagaratnam Center for American Education (CAE) School of Interdisciplinary Studies Sunway University Christina Vanathas Centre for English Language Studies (CELS) School of Interdisciplinary Studies Sunway University

Integrate to Educate, Together We'll Illuminate 

Noorhayati Noordin Gobindran Raj Rajagopal Dr Hurul Ain Zainal Abidin Lim Soon Beng Nadia Adnan Diploma in Business Administration Sunway Diploma Studies Sunway College KL

Exploring WhatsApp as an Effective Tool for Team-based Learning and Some Valuable Considerations for Educators

Priyadharshini Ahrumugam Yesuselvi Manickam Department of Communication School of Arts Sunway University

A Case Study on the Hybrid Teaching and Learning Environment in AUSMAT, Sunway College (KL) 

Dr Sheena Leeza Verghese Wong Sin Wei Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) Sunway College KL

Implementation of Digital Badging on eLearn: An Evidence-based Approach Beyond Assessment

Dr Suzanne Tan Ser Zian Department of Marketing Strategy and Innovation Sunway University Business School

The Application of an Action-learning Framework for a Community-based Project

Dr Zuhaili Akmal Ismail Department of Communication School of Arts Sunway University

Do We Match? Face-To-Face Learning vs. Blended Learning from the Student’s Perspective

Muhamad Safwan Mohd A’Seri Rozaini Ahmad Dr Yazilmiwati Yaacob Noor Syazwani Ishak MOHE General Studies Sunway College KL