Associate Professor Dr Shehnaz Tehseen
- Assistant Head - Department of Management
- Associate Professor
Department of Management
Dr Shehnaz Tehseen is an Associate Professor & Assistant Head for the Department of Management at Sunway Business School, Sunway University, Malaysia. Her articles have appeared in Business Process Management Journal, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, Production, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and many other Scopus indexed journals. She is the member of editorial board as well as a regular reviewer of many Scopus Index journals. She is also a member Chartered Management Institute, Academy of Management (AOM) and Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI).
Academic & Professional Qualifications
PhD in Management, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017)
MBA, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia (2011)
Bachelor of Commerce, Hazara University, Pakistan (2005)
Research Interests
- Entrepreneurship
- Ethnic Entrepreneurship
- SMEs
- Cultural Orientation
- Innovation
- Entrepreneurial Competencies
- Retail Sector
- Human Resource Management
- Strategic Management
- Organizational Behaviour
Teaching Areas
- Entrepreneurship
- Management
Courses Taught
- Community Project
- Entrepreneurship
- Family Business
- Principles of Entrepreneurship
- Research Methodology (PhD level)
Notable Publications
Referred Journal Articles
- Ślusarczyk, B., Moghavvemi, S., & Tehseen, S. (2023). Women and business: Empirical study on economic constraints, legal conditions, and social support influencing women entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Poland. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 11(2), 87-102. (Scopus: Q1)
- Naz, S., Haider, S.A., Khan, S., Nisar, Q.A., Tehseen, S. (2023). Augmenting hotel performance in Malaysia through big data analytics capability and artificial intelligence capability. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 10.1108/JHTI-01-2023-0017 (Scopus: Q2, ABDC, C)
- Leong, K.Y., Ho, J. S. Y., Tehseen, S., Yafi, E., Cham. T.H. (2023). The Intangible Values of Live Streaming and Their Effect on Audience Engagement. Journal of Marketing Analytics. (Scopus Q1, ABDC, C)
- Muneeb, D., Ahmad, S. Z, Abu Bakar, A.R, Tehseen, S. (2023). Empowering Resources Recombination through Dynamic Capabilities of an Enterprise. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. (ABDC, A, ABS 2, Scopus: Q1)
- Haider, S.A., Zubair, M., Tehseen, S., Iqbal, S. and Sohail, M. (2023). How does ambidextrous leadership promote innovation in project-based construction companies? Through mediating role of knowledge- sharing and moderating role of innovativeness. European Journal of Innovation Management, 26(1), 99-118. (Scopus: Q1; Impact Factor 4.67, ABDC, C)
- Idrees, H., Xu, J., Haider, S.A., Tehseen, S., (2023). Systematic Review of Knowledge Management and New Product Development Projects: Trends, Issues, and Challenges. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge (Scopus: Q1; Impact Factor 11.219; ABDC, A)
- Idrees, H.; Haider, S.A; Xu, J.; Tehseen, S.; Jan, N., (2023). Impact of Knowledge Management Capabilities on Organisational Performance in Construction Firms: The Mediating Role of Innovation. Measuring Business Excellence (Scopus: Q2, ABDC, B)
- Haider, S. A., Akbar, A., Tehseen, S., Poulova, P., Jaleel, F. (2022). Impact of Responsible Leadership on Knowledge Sharing Behavior Through Mediating Role of Person-Organization Fit: Higher Educational Institute Culture as Moderator. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. (Scopus Q1, Impact factor 11.216, ABDC, A)
- Tehseen, S., Deng, P., Wu, B., & Gao, Y. (2021). Culture values and entrepreneurial innovativeness: A comparative study of Malaysian ethnic entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management. (Impact Factor 4.5, ABDC, A, ABS 3, Scopus: Q1)
- Tehseen, S., & Anderson, A. (2020). Cultures and entrepreneurial competencies; ethnic propensities and performance in Malaysia. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. (SCOPUS: Q1, ABDC, C)
- Tehseen, S. & Haider, S.A (2021). Impact of Universities’ Partnerships on Students’ Sustainable Entrepreneurship Intentions: A Comparative Study. Sustainability. 13, 5025. (Impact Factor 3.25, Scopus: Q1).
- Yafi, E.; Tehseen, S.; Haider, S.A. (2021). Impact of Green Training on Environmental Performance through Mediating Role of Competencies and Motivation. Sustainability, 13, 5624. (Impact Factor 3.25, Scopus: Q1).
- Muneeb, D., Tehseen, S., Amin, M., Kader, F., & Latif, K. F. (2020). Internal marketing strategies in United Arab Emirates higher education. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. (SCOPUS: Q1, ABS 2*, ABDC, A)
- Razzaq, S., Shujahat, M., Hussain, S., Nawaz, F., Wang, M., Ali, M., & Tehseen, S. (2018). Knowledge management, organizational commitment and knowledge-worker performance: The neglected role of knowledge management in the public sector. Business Process Management Journal. (SCOPUS Q1: ABDC A)
- Toh, S-Y, Tehseen, S., Mahmoud, A. B., Cheok, J.B, Grigoriou, N., & Opute, J. (2022). Mission Statement Effectiveness: Investigating Managers’ Sensemaking Role. Corporate Communications: An International Journal. (SCOPUS: Q2, ABDC, B)
- Mahmoud, A. B., Grigoriou, N., Hack-polay, D., Fuxman, L., Mahmoud, F. B., Yafi, E., & Tehseen, S. (2019). Email is Evil! Behavioural Responses towards Permission-based Direct Email Marketing and Gender Differences. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. (SCOPUS: Q1, ABDC, B)
- Rather, R. A., Tehseen, S., & Parrey, S. H. (2018). Promoting customer brand engagement and brand loyalty through customer brand identification and value congruity. Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 22(3), 319-337. (SCOPUS: Q2)
- Ali, A., Iqbal, S., Haider, S. A, Tahseen, S., Anwar, B., Sohail, M., & Rehman, K., (2021). Does Governance in Information Technology Matters When it comes to Organizational Performance in Public Sector: Mediating Effect of Innovation. Sage Open. (Impact Factor 2, Scopus: Q2)
- Rather, R.A., Tehseen, S., Itoo, M.H., & Parrey, S.H., (2019). Customer brand identification, affective commitment, customer satisfaction, and brand trust as antecedents of customer behavioral intention of loyalty: An empirical study in the hospitality sector. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 29 (2), 196-217. (ABDC: C)
- Tehseen, S., Johara, F., Halbusi, H.A., Islam, M.A., & Fattah, F.A.M.A (2021). Measuring Dimensions of Perceived Business Success among Malaysian and Bangladeshi SMEs’ Owners. Rajagiri Management Journal. Emerald Insight. DOI 10.1108/RAMJ-05-2021-0045.
- Haider S. A, Mata, M. N., Tehseen, S., Martins J. M., (Forthcoming). Antecedents of Construction Project Performance and Contingent Role of Prosocial Behavior. Int. J. of Economics and Business Research (SCOPUS: Q3, ABDC, C)
- Haider, S. A., Martins, J. M., Khan, S., Mata, M. N., Tehseen S., & Abreu, A. (2021). A Literature Review on Agility- Is There A Need to Develop A New Instrument?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25 (3), 2021 (Impact Factor 1.04, Scopus: Q3)
- Hossain, S. M., Akbar, A., Tehseen, S., Poulova, P., Haider, S. A., Sheraz, F. and Yasmin F. (2021). Evaluation of Entrepreneurs Success: A Special Reference to Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal (Scopus: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., Khalid, S., Rather, R.A., Qureshi, Z.H., & Halbusi, H.A. (2020). HRM Practices for Knowledge Management And Retail Firms’ Performances: A Comparative Study Among Malay And Chinese Firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 24(1), 1-7. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., Qureshi, Z.H., Johara, F., & T. Ramayah (2020). Assessing Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Competencies: A Type II (Reflective-Formative) Measurement Approach Using PLS-SEM. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., Yafi, E., Sajilan, S., Rehman, H.U., & Butt, S.M. (2019). Does ICT Based Network Competence Mediate Strategic Competency’s Impact on SMEs’ Competitive Advantage? An Empirical Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing SMES. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 23 (2). (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Sajilan, S., & Tehseen, S. (2019). Network competence and firm performance: The mediating role of entrepreneurial innovativeness among Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs of wholesale businesses. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 24(Supp. 1), 187–201. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., Ahmed, F. U., Qureshi, Z. H., Uddin, M. J. & T. Ramayah (2019). Entrepreneurial competencies and SMEs’ growth: the mediating role of network competence. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 11 (1), 2-29. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., Mughal, S.A., Durst. S., Shujahat, M., Qureshi, Z.H., Kokkalis., P. (2019). Composition-based view of the firm as a promising approach to studying small businesses. Production, 29. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., Qureshi, Z.H., Johara, F., & T. Ramayah. (2019). Assessing Perceived Business Success as a Reflective-Formative Second-Order Construct Using PLS-SEM Approach. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 14(5), 84-114. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Muneeb, D., Tehseen. S., & Saeed. K. (2019). A dynamic capabilities view of doctoral students’ research productivity: A comparative study between Malaysia and United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. DOI 10.1108/IJOA-07-2018-1479 (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Tehseen, S., & Sajilan, S. (2016). Network Competence Based on Resource-Based View and Resource Dependence Theory. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, 9(1), 60-82. (SCOPUS: Q3)
- Khairuddin, S.M.H.S., Qureshi1, Z.H., Wahid, R.A., Tehseen, S., Pathan, Z.H., & Khan, M.R. (2019). A Conceptual Study on Contingent Impact of External Integration on Innovation SME Business Success Relationship. International Journal of Financial Research. 10 (5, Special Issue 2019), 370-380. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Falahat, M., Tehseen, S., Horne, C.V. (2018). Entrepreneurial Innovativeness and its Impact on SMEs’ Performances. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(3), 1-9. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Tehseen, S., Qureshi, Z.H., T. Ramayah. (2018). Impact of Network Competence on Firm’s Performances among Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs: A Multigroup Analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(2), 1-14. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Luva, R.H., Jafor, R.U., Uddin, M.J., & Tehseen., S. (2018). Intersection of Labour and Employment Market in Private Further and Higher Education Colleges in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 22(2),1-16. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Tehseen, S., & Ramayah, T. (2015). Entrepreneurial Competencies and SMEs Business Success: The Contingent Role of External Integration. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 50-61. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Tehseen, S., & Hadi, N. U. (2015). Factors Influencing Teachers’ Performance and Retention. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 233-244. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Khatun, K. M., Islam, A., & Tehseen, S. (2014). Determinants of Organizational Performance: A Case Study on an Electronic Company in Malaysia. Advances in Environmental Biology, 8(9), 440-449. (SCOPUS: Q4)
- Khairuddin, S.M.H.S., Haider, S.A., Tehseen. S., & Iqbal, S., (2021). CREATIVITY IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT THROUGH ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP, INNOVATIVE AMBIDEXTERITY AND COLLABORATIVE CULTURE”. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 10(3), 1529–1546. (IMPACT FACTOR 1.494, SCOPUS)
- Afthanorhan, A., Awang.Z., Majid, N.A., Foziah, H., Ismail, I., Halbusi, H.A., & Tehseen. S., (2021). Gain More Insight from Common Latent Factor in Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (SCOPUS)
- Sajilan. S., Tehseen. S., Yafi. E, & Ting. X (2019). Impact of Facebook Usage on Firm’s Performances among Malaysian Chinese Retailers. GLOBAL BUSINESS & FINANCE REVIEW. 4 (WINTER 2019), 45-62. (SCOPUS)
- Tehseen, S., Ramayah, T., & Sajilan, S. (2017). Testing and controlling for common method variance: A review of available methods. Journal of Management Sciences, 4(2), 142-168. (HEC INDEX JOURNAL, PAKISTAN)
- Johara, F., Yahya, S.B., Tehseen, S., (2017). Determinants of Future Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Intention. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal. 9(4s (Special Issue). 80-95. (INDEXED IN ERA 2012 JOURNAL LIST)
- Al Halbusi, H., & Tehseen, S. (2017). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Literature Review. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 4(2), 30-48. (INDEXED BY MALAYSIA CITATION CENTRE & MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION)
- Al Halbusi, H., Tehseen, S., & Ramayah, T. (2017). The Impact of Organizational Justice on the Ethical Leadership under the Moderating Influence of Perceived Support: A Conceptual Study. Malaysian Journal of Business and Economics (MJBE), 4(1), 46-64. (INDEXED BY MALAYSIA CITATION CENTRE & MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION)
Book Chapters
- Mahmoud, A.B., Tehseen, S. & Fuxman, L. (2020) 'The dark side of artificial intelligence in retail services innovation', in Pantano, E. (ed.) Retail Futures: The good, the bad and the ugly of the digital transformation, Emerald.
- Mahmoud, A. B., & Tehseen, S. (2021). Creative research methodologies: Narrative. In D. Hack-Polay, S. Hemelryk-Donald, A. B. Mahmoud, A. Ridyk, G. Bosworth, & R. Rahman (Eds.), Migration as creative practice: Emerald.
- Tehseen, S., Muneeb, D., Mahmoud, A. B., Hack-Polay, D., Yan, Y. H., & Nawaz, F. (2021). SMEs in the digital business sector: examining six theories about digital SME success. In R. Ho, A. Ng, & M. Nourallah (Eds.), Impact of Globalization and Advanced Technologies on Online Business Models. IGI Global
- Haider, S.A, Gul. A, Anwar. B, Tehseen. S, & Iqbal. S. (2021). The Impacts of the COVID-19 Outbreak on the Education Sector: Evidence From Pakistan. In book: Impact of Infodemic on Organizational Performance. IGI Global. Doi 10.4018/978-1-7998-7164-4.ch018
- Haider S.A., Tehseen S. (2022). Role of Decision Intelligence in Strategic Business Planning. In: Jeyanthi P.M., Choudhury T., Hack-Polay D., Singh T.P., Abujar S. (eds) Decision Intelligence Analytics and the Implementation of Strategic Business Management. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham.
- Tehseen S., Yafi E., Qureshi Z.H., Rather R.A. (2022). Technology Application in the Asian Tourism Industry: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Smart City Involvement. In: Hassan A. (eds) Handbook of Technology Application in Tourism in Asia. Springer, Singapore.
- Mahmoud, A. B., Berman, A., Tehseen, S., & Hack-polay, D. (2022). Modelling Digital Social Customer Relationship Management in Pandemic Time Hospitality Sector. In P. Keikhosrokiani (Ed.), Consumer Behavior Change and Data Analytics in the Socio-Digital Era. IGI Global.
- Haider, S. A., Rehman, A., & Tehseen, S (2022). Impact of Online and Social Media Platforms in Organizing the Events: A Case Study on Coke Fest and Pakistan Super League. In Digital Transformation and Innovation in Tourism Events (pp. 72-84). Routledge. Taylor and Francis DOI: 10.4324/9781003271147-9
Selected Published Conference Papers
- Ahmad, R., Mahli, F., Tehseen, S., & Qureshi, Z.H., Ul Jannat, U.M. (2020). Entrepreneurial intentions among university’s students in Malaysia. Published in: 2019 13th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS). Can be accessed at ; DOI: 10.1109/MACS48846.2019.9024788 (Scopus Conference Proceeding)
- Hiung, H.F.H., Tehseen, S., Sajilan, S., & Menari, A. (2020). Learning competency, entrepreneurial orientation entrepreneurial innovativeness, and business growth: A study among Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs. Published in: 2019 13th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS). Can be accessed at; DOI: 10.1109/MACS48846.2019.9024797 (Scopus Conference Proceeding)
- Sheng, L.K., Khairuddin, S.M.H.S., Tehseen, S., & Yan, Y.H. (2020). The influence of knowledge-based HRM practices on productivity of knowledge workers: A study on Malaysian universities. Published in: 2019 13th International Conference on Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science and Statistics (MACS). Can be accessed at; DOI: 10.1109/MACS48846.2019.9024787 (Scopus Conference Proceeding)
Non-referred Journal Articles
- Toh, S., Tehseen, S., Mahmoud, A. B., Cheok, J. B., & Kaur, R. (2022). Stress Amongst Private University Students in Malaysia: Do Personality Differences Matter?. International Journal of Public Sociology and Sociotherapy (IJPSS), 2(1), 1-16.
- Stevenson, S., Hack-Polay, D., & Tehseen, S. (2022). Social Media Influencers, the New Advertising Agency?: Examining the Impact of Social Media Influencer Marketing on the Cosmetics Industry. International Journal of Public Sociology and Sociotherapy (IJPSS), 2(1), 1-21.
- Bapoo, M. A., Tehseen, S., Haider, S. A., Yusof, M., & Motaghi, H. (2022). Sustainability orientation and sustainable entrepreneurship intention: The mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 28, 1-23.
- Shian, V.C.M., Ayob, N.B., Luva, R.H., Tehseen, S., Meng, C.S., Haider, S.A., & Yusof, M. (2022). Impact of personal characteristics on intrapreneurs’ behaviours. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 26(S4), 1- 15.
- Seong-Yuen Toh; Kaur, R.; Tehseen, S. (2022). Why Am I Stressed Out? Neglecting the Internal Stressors among Undergraduate Students in Malaysia. International Journal of Health, Wellness & Society, 12(1), 79– 93.
- Sajilan, S., & Tehseen, S. (2015). Cultural Orientations, Entrepreneurial Competencies and SMEs Business Success: The Contingent Roles of Environmental Turbulence and Network Competence. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 4(2), 20-35.
- Sajilan, S., Hadi, N. U., & Tehseen, S. (2015). Impact of Entrepreneur's Demographic Characteristics and Personal Characteristics on Firm's Performance under the Mediating Role of Entrepreneur Orientation. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 4(2), 36-52.
- Tehseen, S., Sajilan, S., Ramayah, T., & Gadar, K. (2015). An Intra-Cultural Study of Entrepreneurial Competencies and SMEs Business Success in Whole Sale and Retail Industries of Malaysia: -A Conceptual Model. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 4(3), 33-48.
- Tehseen, S., & Sajilan, S. (2016). Impact of Innovative Practices on Business Growth Under The Moderating Impacts of Culture-A Conceptual Model. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 5(2), 28- 46.
- Sajilan, S., Tehseen, S., & Adeyinka-Ojo, S. (2016). A Conceptual Framework of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Competencies on Small and Medium Enterprises Business Performance in the Malaysian Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 5(2), 47-61.
- Tehseen, S., Sajilan, S., Adaha, N. M. A., & Abadi, H. (2017). Barriers to Retail Innovation: Evidence from Malaysian Retail SMEs. Australian Academy of Business and Economics Review, 2(1), 1-21.
- Tehseen, S., Sajilan, S., Gadar, K., & Ramayah, T. (2017). Assessing Cultural Orientation as a Reflective- Formative Second Order Construct-A Recent PLS-SEM Approach, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 6(2), 38-63.
- Al Halbusi, H., & Tehseen, S. (2018). Supply Chain Management and Practices of Firm Performance: A Review Paper. Journal of Human Development and Education for specialized Research (JHDESR), 4(2), 1-12.
- Johara, F., Yahya, S.B., Tehseen, S., (2018). Employee Retention, Market Orientation, and Organizational Performance–An Empirical Study. International Academic Journal of Business Management, 5(3), 176-187.
- Halbusi, H. A., & Tehseen, S. (2018). Impact of ethical leadership on affective commitment through mediating impact of ethical climate: A Conceptual study. Durreesamin Journal, 4(2).
- Al Halbusi, H., Tehseen, S., Hamid, F. A. H., & Afthanorhan, A. (2018). A Study of Organizational Justice on the Trust in Organization under the Mediating Role of Ethical Leadership. Business Ethics and Leadership, 2(4), 89-98.
- Qureshi, Z. H., Al Halbusi, H., Pitafi, S., Tehseen, S. (2018). A Conceptual Study of HRM Practices and Market Orientation on Lecturer’s Retention: A Case Study of Malaysian Universities. Business Ethics and Leadership, 2(3), 44-52.
Achievements & Accolades
- Won Outstanding Paper Award in 2020 Emerald Literati Awards for the paper entitled “Entrepreneurial competencies and SMEs' growth: the mediating role of network competence”.
- Received Best Paper Award paper entitled “Ecological Perspective of Firm Innovation: Implications for Entrepreneurship Success.” in the International Conference on Business Sustainability & Innovation ICBSI 2018, 17th-19th October, 2018.
- Best Student Award in MBA (General Management Specialization) at IIUM’s 27th convocation held on Oct 2011.
- Certificate of Student Appreciation of Teaching Award (2020-2021)
- Certificate of Student Appreciation of Teaching Award (2023)
- Award for Excellence in Teaching (2023)
- Dean’s Commendation for Service (TEAM) (2023)
- Dean’s Award for Research Excellence on (23 Nov 2023)
- Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence on (23 Nov 2023)
Professional Associations
- Senior Editor (Entrepreneurship) of Global Business and Organizational Excellence (GBOE)-Q2 Scopus Journal…
- Associate Editor at International Journal of Public Sociology and Sociotherapy (IJPSS)-(From Jan 2023- Present)…- sociotherapy/237029#editorial-board
- Article Editor of Sage Open (Scopus, Q2)- (For Year 2019)
- International Advisory Board of International Journal of Entrepreneurship (From Year 2018-Present)…
- Editorial Advisory Board Member of Journal of Management Sciences (From Year 2017-Present)
- Assistant Editor for Entrepreneurship of Journal of Global Business Insights (From Year 2019-Present)
- Editorial Advisory Board of Decision Making (From March 2023-Present)