Dr Ibrahim T Nather Khasro

Dr Ibrahim T Nather Khasro

  • Lecturer
  • Programme Leader - Master of Business Analytics
Department of Business Analytics


I'm Ibrahim Khasro holding PhD from UTeM 2021 and M.Sc. from UUM 2011. I'm interested with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Adoption Model.

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD in IT (E-Commerce) UTeM , 2021
  • M.Sc. in IT. UUM, 2011
  • B.Sc. in Computer Science. Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, 2008

Research Interests

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Information System (IS)
  • Web Development
  • E-Commerce Adoption Model

Teaching Areas

  • Information Technology
  • Web Programming
  • Management Information System

Courses Taught

  • Web Design and Development
  • Business Information System Development

Notable Publications

2021 -

Saif Mohammed Ali, M.A. Burhanuddin, Ibrahem T Nather and Sura Khalil. Critical Analysis of electronic health readiness assessment factors for development of e-health framework in iraq, International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ICETIS ).

2020 -

Nather, I. T., Burhanuddin, M. A., Sek, Y. W., & Ali, S. M. . An Investigation of Crucial Factors That Influences the Adoption of E-Commerce in Small and Medium Enterprises in Iraq. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(6), 813-828.

2018 -

Nather, I. T., Burhanuddin, M. A. . Determining the Impact Factors of E-Commerce Adoption by Smes in Iraq: An Overview. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.20), 588-592. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.14419/ijet.v7i3.20.22947.

2014 -

Nather, I. T., Osman, W. R., Fadhil, N. A., Al-Saadi, T. A., & Al-Khafaji, N. J. . Mobile Technology in the Iraq Context: Design Mobile Application Prototype for the Election of Directors for Departments in the Ministry of Science and Technology. In Proceedings of 5th SARCIRF International Conference.