Dr Loo Wee Hong
- Lecturer
Department of Marketing Strategy & Innovation
Dr Loo Wee Hong is a lecturer at the Department of Marketing Strategy and Innovation, Sunway Business School, Malaysia. Over the past six years, she has taught undergraduate marketing courses like marketing theory and practice, principles of marketing, and marketing management. Her current research areas include consumer behaviour, sustainable consumption behaviour and social media marketing. She published her research in the book chapter, international journal articles, and conference proceedings.
Academic & Professional Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy (Marketing), Monash University Malaysia, 2017
- Master of Philosophy (Management), Multimedia University Malaysia, 2009
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking and Finance), Multimedia University Malaysia, 2005
Research Interests
- Consumer behaviour
- Sustainable consumption behaviour
- Social Media Marketing
Teaching Areas
- Marketing
Courses Taught
- Marketing Management
Notable Publications
2018 -
Yeow, P.H.P., Loo, W.H. and Eze, U.C. . Chapter 4: Human factors issues in responsible computer consumption. In A. Thatcher & P.H.P. Yeow (Eds). Ergonomics and Human Factors for a Sustainable Future – Current Research and Future Possibilities, pp. 77-110, Springer Nature, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-10-8071-5
2018 -
Yeow, P.H.P., & Loo, W. H. . Determinants of Consumer Behaviour Regarding Reusing, Refurbishing, and Recycling Computer Waste: An Exploratory Study in Malaysia, International Journal of Business, and Information, 13(4), 457-488.
2018 -
Yeow, P.H.P. and Loo, W.H. Encouraging responsible computer consumption at the disposal stage. Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Information (BAI -Winter), 23-25 January 2018. Okinawa, Japan, pp. 712-729.
2015 -
Loo, W. H., Yeow, P.H.P., & Eze, U. C. . A study of Green IT Behaviour among Individual Consumers: Responsible Acquisition of Computers. Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 8-10 December 2014, Auckland, New Zealand.
2013 -
Loo, W. H., Yeow, P.H.P., & Eze, U. C. . Responsible Consumption Behaviour: A Framework for Acquisition, Use and Disposal of Computers. Proceedings of the 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS ), 18-22 June, Jeju Island.
2013 -
Yeow, P.H.P., Yuen, Y.Y, Loo, W.H. . Ergonomics issues in national identity card for homeland security, Applied Ergonomics, 44, 719-729.
2011 -
Loo, W.H., Yeow, P.H.P., & Chong, S.C. . Acceptability of Multipurpose Smart National Identity Card: An Empirical Study, Journal of Global Information Technology Management 14 (1), 35-58.
2009 -
Yeow, P.H.P. & Loo, W.H., . Acceptability of ATM and transit applications embedded in multipurpose smart identity card: An exploratory study in Malaysia. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 5 (2), 37-56.
2009 -
Loo, W.H., Yeow, P.H.P., & Chong, S.C. . User acceptance of Malaysian government multipurpose smartcard applications. Government Information Quarterly, 26(2), 358-367.
2009 -
Loo, W.H., & Yeow, P.H.P. Acceptability of Malaysia’s E-government National Identity Card (MyKad): Influence of different age groups. Proceedings of Korean Association for Public Administration (KAPA)/ Asian Public Administration Forum (APAF) Annual Meeting, 22-24th October 2009, University of Incheon Songdo Campus, Incheon, Korea, pp. 29-58 (Session 5).
2009 -
Yeow, P.H.P., & Loo, W.H. (April ). Acceptability of ATM and transit applications embedded in multipurpose smart identity card: An exploratory study in Malaysia. International Journal of E-Government Research, 5 (2), 37-56.
2007 -
Yeow, P. H. P., Loo, W. H., & Chong, S. C. . User acceptance of ATM and transit applications embedded in Malaysian national identity smartcard. In K.S. Soliman (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference on Information Management in the Networked Economy, June 20-22, , Dublin, Ireland.
Achievements & Accolades
2018 -
Outstanding Paper Award- International Conference Business and Information- Winter Session
Monash Higher Degree by Research Scholarship
Professional Associations
- American Marketing Association