Dr Noreen Kanwal

Dr Noreen Kanwal

  • Lecturer
Department of Management
SDGs Focus

Academic & Professional Qualifications

PhD in Management Science, University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia (2023)
Master in Management Science, COMSATS University, Pakistan (2016)
MBA, Virtual University of Pakistan, Pakistan (2011)
Bachelor of Arts, Punjab University, Pakistan (2008)

Research Interests

  • Health and Well-being
  • Occupational Safety
  • Management Information System
  • Sustainability

Teaching Areas

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Research Project
  • Research Methods

Courses Taught

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Research Project
  • Research Methodology

Notable Publications

  1. Kanwal, N., bin Isha, A. S. N., & Ali, K. (2024). New ways of working: a comparative empirical analysis appertaining to health and well-being and psychosocial hazards. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-14. (ISI & Scopus Indexed)
  2. Al-Mekhlafi, A. B. A., Isha, A. S. N., Al-Quraishi, M. S., & Kanwal, N. (2023). Implementation of a psychomotor vigilance test to investigate the effects of driving fatigue on oil and gas truck drivers’ performance. Frontiers in public health, 11, 1160317. (ISI & Scopus Indexed)
  3. Kanwal, N., Nizam Bin Isha, A. S., Salleh, R. B., Kanwal, N., & Al-Mekhlafi, A. B. A. (2023). Paradoxical effects of social media use on workplace interpersonal conflicts. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 2200892. (ISI & Scopus Indexed, HEC-X)
  4. Kanwal, N., & Isha, A. S. N. (2022). The moderating effects of social media activities on the relationship between effort-reward imbalance and health and wellbeing: a case study of the oil and gas industry in Malaysia. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. (ISI & Scopus Indexed, HEC W)
  5. Kanwal, N., & Isha, A. S. N. B. (2022). Identifying the Moderating Effect of Hyperconnectivity on the Relationship between Job Demand Control Imbalance, Work-to-Family Conflict, and Health and Well-Being of Office Employees Working in the Oil and Gas Industry, Malaysia. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2022. (ISI & Scopus Indexed, HEC-W)
  6. AL-MEKHLAFI, A.-B. A., ISHA, A. S. N., ABDULRAB, M., AJMAL, M. & KANWAL, N. 2022. Moderating effect of safety culture on the association inter work schedule and driving performance using the theory of situation awareness. Heliyon, 8, e11289. (ISI & Scopus Indexed, HEC-W)
  7. Kanwal, N., Khan, M., & Kanwal, N. (2020). Mixed methods analysis of factors influencing self-efficacy in student-teachers during teaching practices. Hamdard Islamicus, 43(3), 68-82. (Scopus Indexed, HEC-X)
  8. Kanwal, N., Isha, A. S. N., & bt Salleh, R. (2021). Social media connectivity and its effect on job stress among office employees in oil and gas sector Malaysia. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 124, p. 08006). EDP Sciences. (ISI & Scopus Indexed)
  9. Batool, I., Hussain, G., Kanwal, N., & Abid, M. (2018). Identifying the factors behind fatal and non-fatal road crashes: a case study of Lahore, Pakistan. International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 25(4), 401-407. (ISI & Scopus Indexed, HEC-W)
  10. Hussain, G., Batool, I., Kanwal, N., & Abid, M. (2019). The moderating effects of work safety climate on socio-cognitive factors and the risky driving behavior of truck drivers in Pakistan. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 62, 700-715. (ISI & Scopus Indexed, HEC-W)

Achievements & Accolades

  1. Graduate Assistantship | Aug 2019 – Feb 2023: University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia
  2. Tuition Fee Assistantship | March 2023 – Sep 2023: University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia