Dr Ghajendran Poovanandran
- Senior Lecturer
Ghajendran is a passionate mathematician with about six years of experience in teaching and researching. He consistently strives to present Mathematics in a fun and engaging way to battle against the stigma that Mathematics is a feared-upon subject. Having Pure Mathematics as his field of specialty, his research works are often motivated more by the beauty of Mathematics, rather than the application of it. On a casual note, he enjoys gardening and weighlifting.
Research Interests
- Combinatorics
- Natural Computing
- Digital Learning
Notable Publications
Poovanandran, G., Simpson, J., & Teh, W. C. (2024). Counting subwords in circular words and their Parikh matrices. Theoretical Computer Science, 985, 114344.
Atanasiu, A., Poovanandran, G., Zeyneh, A. A., & Teh, W. C. (2022). Erasure and error correcting ability of Parikh matrices. Information Processing Letters, 175, 106223.
Poovanandran, G., & Teh, W. C. (2020). M-ambiguity sequences for Parikh matrices and their periodicity revisited. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 43, 3305-3321.
Atanasiu, A., Poovanandran, G., & Teh, W. C. (2019). Parikh matrices for powers of words. Acta Informatica, 56, 521-535.
Poovanandran, G., & Teh, W. C. (2019). Strong (2⋅ t) and strong (3⋅ t) transformations for strong M-equivalence. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 30(05), 719-733.
Atanasiu, A., Poovanandran, G., & Teh, W. C. (2019). Parikh motivated study on repetitions in words. Bulletin mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie, 62(4), 325-340.