Teaching and Learning

What is Sustainable Teaching & Learning

As an educational institution, we aim to produce well-rounded individuals with skills and abilities that can be carried with them throughout their journey's in life. Staff and students alike are taught to be geared with a thorough understanding of sustainability. Sustainable teaching and learning also reflects a community that encourages the continuous process of learning meaningfully from and with one another. This includes discipline specific knowledge of sustainability that can be communicated to others by experts in the field. 

What is Sunway Doing?


SDG Courses

A campus-wide SDG Education course was launched for all staff and students. The course is designed to strengthen our staff and students' foundational understanding of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. As it is important for all SEG staff to be educated on this topic, they are required to complete this course within this year and their progress will be reported.

Every student in Sunway University has to complete the compulsory MOHE MPU subjects offered under the General Studies Department (GSD). The General Studies Department has incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) modules in their teaching and learning content by providing two SDG videos from the SDG Academy for review during pre-class activities. Another 10 SDG videos were given to students for group discussion. After watching the videos and going through the group discussion, students are required to do critical analysis, write a report and present it in class. The content of the MPU subjects has elements of current issues and one of the modules has current issues related to SDGs, which students can implement or apply in their daily lives.



Creating Sustainable Campuses – JSC Research Associate, Jasmin Irisha Jim Ilham.  

This study focuses on education for sustainable development and global citizenship. It explores the role of universities in ensuring the SDGs are met, as a mobilizing catalyst for accelerated implementation, as well as case studies of sustainable campuses in Malaysia that showcase the community and student outreach projects, in line with the SDGs, such as the Bicycle Project at the University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus; Kompos to Kelulut (K2K) at Universiti Sains Malaysia; and Sunway Youth for Sustainable Development and The Last Straw Campaign at Sunway University. The case studies show that education goes beyond the formal curricula, emphasizing soft skills and critical thinking as major components of responsible behaviour.



The Master in Sustainable Development Management

Sunway University’s Master in SustainableDevelopment Programme aims to empower individuals and organisations to develop innovative solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in actionable ways in their specific sectors or areas of

Sunway University offers a 12-month, full-time Master’s in Sustainable Development Management (MSDM) program that will equip students with the system-level thinking essential for achieving sustainable development (e.g. natural earth systems, socio-political stability); in-depth technical expertise in two fields of concentration (e.g. green urbanization, economic development); management skills (e.g. effective governance in public and private organizations); and research ability (e.g. geographic information system). The classes will be held at time slots convenient to students located in the geographical area from New Zealand to Turkey. Every class will be co-taught by Sunway faculty members and SDG Academy experts. All the interactive online teaching will be conducted inside a Sunway University classroom, so students can also choose to be in Kuala Lumpur to receive in-person teaching when possible. The program will consist of four 11-week terms. At the end of the third term, there will be an optional, week-long MSDM Study Fest held at Sunway University.

The UCD M.Sc. in Sustainable Development, in partnership with SDSN’s SDG Academy, offers cutting-edge, multi-disciplinary, and trans-disciplinary learning for the SDGs. Both UCD and SDSN have mandates to support the UN System through consultative status, and provide students with a unique experience in virtual classrooms with leading academics and global thought leaders. There are also opportunities for excellent placements and careers in sustainable development. The core elements of the Master’s require students to study the SDGs at the national level, city level, and through an SDG project. The program will include a wide range of electives to cover the SDG agenda, such as social justice, climate change, industrial economics, food systems, and public health. The Master’s is a one-year, full-time program, but can be taken part-time over two years or more.

Online Master's Program in Sustainable Development Management

A fully online version of the Masters in Sustainable Development was launched in 2020 together with the SDG Academy and University College Dublin 

Its availability online makes it more accessible to both local and international students. 

PhD in Sustainable Development

The PhD in Sustainable Development is a full research programme focusing on key areas of sustainable development and themes outlined in the 17 sustainable development goals. 

Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainability Science and Technology

The PhD programme in Sustainability Science and Technology has a multi-disciplinary approach to sustainability where candidates will be guided into identifying areas of investigation within the emerging areas of research contributing towards sustainable development solutions.

Sustainability-Related Learning 

The topic of sustainability is embedded throughout Sunway University's courses and programs as both core and electives in all discipline areas of art, design, business, biological sciences, computing, psychology and more.


 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLICIES POL 5024Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia
 SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ECN 5064Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 ECONOMICS OF SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT ECN5023Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 ECONOMICS OF SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT SEC5013Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SEC5023Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 FINANCE AND SUSTAINABILITY SFI5013Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 EARTH'S CLIMATE SYSTEM SSM5013Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS SSM5023Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGIES SSM5033Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 FUNDAMENTALS OF URBAN SUSTAINABILITY SSM5053Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SYSTEMS SSM5073Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY SSM5083Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 INNOVATIVE SUSTAINABLE LEADERSHIP SSM5103Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE URBAN PRACTICES SSM5113Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 CLIMATE AND WATER RESOURCES SSM5123Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY SSM5133Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION SSM5143Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 GOVERNANCE IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTJeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development
 SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENTJeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development


External Engagement


Campus with a Conscience Webinar Series
This online seminar series is a platform allowing the community to engage with experts from private and public sectors including corporations and organisations, to share insights and research findings on challenges and issues related to Sustainable development Goals (SDGs). Find out more about the webinars here.

Community Services Projects 

One of the ways in which the University’s sustainability agenda is permeated throughout the campus is through the community project module undertaken by students. Outreach programmes are orgranised and delivered at programme level and are initiative by students, under the guidance of lecturers. Since the introduction of this module, the following programmes have been initiated. 

Working with NGOs such as SESO Malaysia, Asian Youth Ambassadors and Kechara Soup Kitchen to distribute food and essential items to the People's Housing Program (PPR) residents, a government programme for the relocation of squatter and dwelling of lower income groups.

Visiting community homes to engage with the inmates on various activities like providing free tuition for school-going children. The homes include Shelter Home for Children, House of Joy, Elderly Welfare Association Chan Kuala Lumpur, Pusat Jagaan Kanak-kanak Istimewa Cerdik Klang Jaya, among others.

Promoting a sustainable ecosystem by: sorting recyclable items; initiating tree planting events, initiating beach clean-up activities; cleaning the animal shelter, bathing, feeding and spending time with rescued animals to spread awareness on animal adoption. These activities are with Tzu Chi Recycle Centre, Friends of Sungai Klang , Second Chance Animal Society and S.I. Shelter respectively.

SDG Webinar Series: Quality TVET Education for the Future - A Supply & Demand Perspective

In an effort to reaffirm the Government’s commitment of successfully implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and inspire all Malaysians to support this ambitious endeavor, the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department (EPU), together with the Jeffrey Sachs Centre on Sustainable Development (JSC)/ Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Malaysia is organizing a webinar to discuss the achievement and progress made by Malaysia on Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. The discussion will include policy responses by the Government and initiatives undertaken by the industry and TVET providers to ensure inclusive, equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning, while exploring measures to ensure a whole-of-nation approach in key actions in Twelfth Plan.    



research webinar

Identifying Exciting Research Projects: Guidelines and Trends

Sunway Institute for Global Strategy and Competitiveness (IGSC) hosted a free online webinar on Identifying Exciting Research Projects: Guidelines and Trends featuring Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt, named a member of Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researchers List, which includes the “world’s most impactful scientific researchers".



sdg exhibition


Library Exhibition on Sustainable Development Goals

In conjunction with the 'Local Action For Global Goals 2022’ campaign, the campus library put up an exhibition on Sustainable Development Goals that was open to the public.

The week-long exhibition highlighted research findings addressing global challenges of urban living - such as waste generation, electricity and water consumption, social spaces and others. 


Virtual Lecture on Planetary Health

Virtual Lecture on Planetary Health
The first lecture of the Southeast Asia Science Advice Network (SEA SAN) Eminent Speaker Series was held virtually on 21 September 2022. Dr Montira Pongsiri is the first Science Advisor at the US Mission to ASEAN and member of the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health. Her primary research and science policy interests are in applying scientific understanding of the relationships between the condition of natural systems and human health to inform policies and actions for long-term sustainability impact. The lecture concluded with a Q&A moderated by Dr Renzo Guinto, Chief Planetary Health Scientist at Sunway University.




proquest webinar


A webinar training organized by ProQuest with the target audience of students, librarians, researchers, academician/lecturers, etc.

 At the end of the session the target audience will be able to:
• Understand the use of varied content type
• Utilise one search for a unified experience
• Apply effective best practices to discover the relevant content
• Evaluate, curate organize and share your information
• Manage My Research account.



AED - Poster and Video Competition

AED - Poster and Video Competition

The Academic Enhancement Division, Sunway University invited colleagues from Sunway University, Sunway College, KL, and Lancaster University to participate in this poster competition.  Through the poster, participants shared the lessons learnt during the pandemic and how these lessons have transformed their current teaching practices, and the way they support students. 




Student-led Initiatives

Engagement Towards Sustainability Poster Exhibition

Engagement Towards Sustainability Poster Exhibition

The Engagement Towards Sustainability Poster Exhibition, featured the works of Year 3 students in the Department of Communications. Part of their module on Corporate Social Responsibility, this exhibition's objective is to create awareness among internal stakeholders of Sunway University's CSR contributions which are aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Break Up Exhibition (BUE) and Mind Matters Talks 

Break Up Exhibition (BUE) and Mind Matters talks happening 12-15 Sept

2022's Break Up Exhibition (BUE) marks it's third-time comeback! At this exhibition, others have shared their personal and heartfelt stories of their break ups and of the end of other relationships.

Venue: Art Gallery (Level 1, University building) 



the Break Up Exhibition (BUE) is back for the third time! Come join us at this exhibition, where others have shared their personal and heartfelt stories of their break ups and of the end of other relationships.   Venue: Art Gallery (Level 1, University building)



In conjunction with the exhibition, Mind Matters, a series of physical talks on relationships was held at Lecture Theatre 5 (Level 1, Sunway University) for FREE!

The aim of the talks was to provide much valuable knowledge, including how to listen and connect better with your loved ones, how toxic relationships are formed, how to listen in for emotional content and validate feelings as well as how to nurture a good relationship with your partner.

12th Sept, 2-3pm: Dr Joel Low (The Mind Psychological Services & Training)
13th Sept, 2-3pm: Dr Anasuya Jegathevi (University of Cyberjaya)
14th Sept, 2-3pm: Mr. Kenny Lim (Befrienders KL)
15th Sept, 11am-12pm: Dr. Grace Yap Chin Choo (Sunway University)


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