Research Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation

Research Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilisation




The Higher Institution Centers of Excellence (HICoE) is a programme under the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) implemented by the Department of Higher Education to drive research excellence of HEIs in the field of niche research. One of SET research strategy targets is to have at least two research centres recognised as global, regional and national research Centres of Excellence by 2028. This is to support Sunway University's aspiration to successfully establish at least THREE (3) Regional Centres of Excellence ( CoE ).
The School proposing to merge the Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture and Utilization (CCDCU) with the Centre for Applied Physics and Radiation Technologies (CAPRT) to form a strong research centre as a potential entity to be HICoE based on the following:

  • CCDCU research focus is clearly aligned with is one the niche areas of HICoEs identified by MOHE namely Environment and Climate Change. 
  • None of the current established HICoEs is focussing on CO2 Capture and Utilization technologies despite CCU/CCUS being recognised by the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) as one of the four key pillars of the global energy transition, alongside renewable energy-driven electrification, bioenergy and hydrogen. 
  • CCDCU research is relevant to one of the five priority themes of Sunway Centre for Planetary Health ( SCPH ) on tackling the Climate Emergency. 
  • Up to now, CAPRT has enjoyed a traditional focus on utilising and developing physics-based technologies that concern environmental, industrial and biomedical arenas, with uptake in, for instance, the Oil and Gas industry. 
  • Advanced Physics and Radiation technologies are emerging as novel technologies applied to CO2 Capture and Utilization Processes. 
  • CCDCU and CAPRT have demonstrated capabilities in establishing research collaborations with top National, Regional and International Institutions such as University of Malaya, University of Indonesia, Qatar University, MIT, Cambridge etc.. 
  • By having a centre of research excellence in this challenging field of global concerns, Sunway University will demonstrate to the world its strong commitment to sustainable development since the centre's activities will address a number of SGDs, namely Climate Action (SDG13), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG7), and Industry Innovation and infrastructure (SDG9). It is also a significant contribution to the green and low-carbon economy.



To be a Higher Institution Centre of Excellence ( HICoE ) and world leader in niche research areas of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilisation through high socio-economic impact research, high impact publications, and national and international linkages.


To perform world-class research and provide training and consultancy in areas of CO2 capture and utilisation through the application of advanced technologies, and translate this research excellence into solutions with global economic, environment, and social impacts towards the decarbonisation of industries and net zero carbon society.

Research Facilities and Services

Instrument (Brand/Model)CodeType of Analysis
[Bruker, Vertex 70V]
Density meter 
[Anton Paar, DMATM 4200 M]
DM-01Low Pressure
DM-02High Pressure
VM-01Sample volume: 6.7 mL
[Metrohm, 888 Titrando]
AT-01For Dynamic (DET), monotonic (MET), endpoint titration (SET)
(Autolab Potentiostat / Galvanostat)
EC-01Electrochemical analysis
High Pressure CO2 Absorption Reactor 
CO-01•    Liquid
•    Solvent volume: 25 mL
Low Pressure CO2 Absorption System 
CO-02•    Liquid
•    Solvent volume: 50-100 mL
Packed Bed CO2 Adsorption System 
CO-03•    Solid
•    Amount of adsorbent: 50 g
Confocal Raman - AFM Microscope 
[WITec Alpha300 RA]
RAMAN-01Solid/liquid/powder/biological sample 
– Single spectrum
RAMAN-02Solid/liquid/powder/biological sample 
– Line scan
RAMAN-03Solid/liquid/powder/biological sample 
– Image scan
RAMAN-04Solid/liquid/powder/biological sample 
– Depth profiling 
AFMSolid/liquid/powder/biological sample
RAMAN-AFM-01Solid/liquid/powder/biological sample 
– Single spectrum
RAMAN-AFM-02Solid/liquid/powder/biological sample 
– Line scan

For service enquiry, please contact Ms. Aisha Ridzuan/ Ms. Nur Nadira Hazani at [email protected] or at [email protected] .