Research Centre For Human-Machine Collaboration (HUMAC)

Research Centre For Human-Machine Collaboration (HUMAC)



Research Centre for Human-Machine Collaboration (HUMAC) undertakes fundamental and applied research. It is internationally relevant and recognised for the works that tackle real life challenges. Our team of researchers deliver innovative solutions and breakthroughs in various areas of the technology world. The University provides top range facilities and access to relevant experts for students from different fields of study.



We aspire to be a highly visible and effective National Centre of Excellence.


Our researchers undertake a multi-disciplinary approach in finding solutions to real life challenges by leveraging on human-machine synergy.


Our team of researchers deliver innovative solutions and breakthroughs in various areas of the technology world.


Contact us for more information or to find out how we could collaborate and create a better world.

Research Facilities and Services

Instrument (Brand/Model)CodeRemarksAnalysis Charges (RM)
3D Printing3D-01N/APLA material cost only: RM0.60 per gram.PLA material cost only: RM0.80 per gram.RM0.90 per gram
PCB PrintingPCB-01Based on job scopes.40% discount on total tooling and PCB cost.20% discount on total tooling and PCB cost.10% discount on total tooling and PCB cost.
Cutting and Welding ServiceCWS-01Based on job scopes.40% discount on total manpower and material cost.20% discount on total manpower and material cost.10% discount on total manpower and material cost.
Website & Hosting Development ServiceWHDS-01Based on job scopes.40% discount on total manpower and material cost.20% discount on total manpower and material cost.10% discount on total manpower and material cost.
IoT Solutions, VR and Robotic Development ServiceVRRDS-01Based on job scopes.40% discount on total manpower and material cost.20% discount on total manpower and material cost.10% discount on total manpower and material cost.
VTOL DroneVTD-01Quadrotor/VTOL drone
for mapping and surveying
40% discount on total manpower and material cost.20% discount on total manpower and material cost.10% discount on total manpower and material cost.
VTD-02 AI-based RBG images Classification 40% discount on total manpower and material cost.20% discount on total manpower and material cost.10% discount on total manpower and material cost.


For service enquiry, please contact Ms. Aisha Ridzuan/ Prof. Ir. Ts. Yap Kian Meng at [email protected] or at @email .