Dr Alia Azalea

Dr Alia Azalea

  • Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology


Dr Alia is an Industrial and Organisational Psychologist. She has published in the area of I/O psychology, individual differences and education. Prior to Sunway University, she was at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman for 5 years where she served as an Assistant Professor in Psychology and the Dean of Faculty of Arts & Social Science. Her current research focuses on career adaptability and employability. She has presented her work on topics including career adaptability, job motivation, performance, job crafting and engagement at various international conferences. She has been awarded several research grants and consults for the industry in the area of education, diversity and stress management. 

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD (Psychology), UKM (2009)
  • MA (I/O Psychology), Xavier University, USA (2004)
  • BA in Psychology, University of Kentucky, USA (2001)

Research Interests

  • Organisational justice
  • Job design and crafting
  • career adaptability and employability
  • Personality
  • especially Psychopathic personality

Notable Publications

  1. Loh, A., & Azalea, A. (2023). Constraints, conflict and counterproductive work behavior: Organizational cynicism as a mediator. Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 37(2), 26-40. 
  2. Azalea, A., Lim, P.K., Lin, M.H., & Lee, M.C.C. (2023, May). The effects of career adaptability on perceived future employability and career motivation: Employed vs. Unemployed fresh university graduates. Paper presented at the 21st European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Katowice, Poland. 
  3. Yim, J. S., Moses, P., & Azalea, A. (2019). Predicting virtual learning environment continuance with psychological ownership and the TAM. Educational Technology Research and Development, 67(4), 691-709. doi: 10.1007/s11423-019-09661-8 (SCOPUS) 
  4. Pari, B., & Azalea, A. (2019). The mediating role of work engagement between job crafting and job performance among national secondary school teachers. Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 33(3), 12-21. 
  5. Azalea, A., & Soh, C.R. (2019, May). Work motivation and performance among Malaysian insurance sales agents: Sales approaches as mediators. Paper presented at the 19th European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress, Turin, Italy.