Dr Maverick Yap Fook Choy

Dr Maverick Yap Fook Choy

  • Lecturer
Department of Biological Sciences
SDGs Focus


Dr. Maverick Yap is currently a lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences at Sunway University. He completed his Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Biotechnology at UCSI University in 2010. He then pursued his PhD at the University of Malaya, focusing on the larval developmental biology of stalked barnacles. After earning his PhD, he joined the Biodiversity Research Center at Academia Sinica as a postdoctoral research fellow. Upon returning to Malaysia, Dr. Yap joined the Faculty of Science at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Kampar as a postdoctoral research fellow. He subsequently served as an Assistant Manager at the Graduate School of the University of Nottingham Malaysia. His research interests encompass the symbiotic relationships between marine invertebrates and corals.  He is particularly intrigued by the field of chemical ecology, which investigates the chemical interactions that occur between organisms and their environment.

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Malaya (2018)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours), UCSI University (2010)

Research Interests

  • Marine Biology
  • Crustacean Biology
  • Chemical Ecology

Notable Publications

  1. Yap FC, Wong, WL, Chong, VC, Bong, CW & Lim, LHS (2023). Development of the muscular and nervous systems during the larval ontogeny of the stalked barnacle, Octolasmis angulata Aurivillius 1894 (Cirripedia: Thoracicalcerea: Poecilasmatidae). Arthropod Structure & Development, 76: 1-25.
  2. Yap FC & Chan, BKK. (2022). Host specificity and adaptive radiation in settlement behaviour of coral-associated barnacle larvae (Cirripedia: Pyrgomatidae). Scientific Reports, 13.
  3. Yap FC, Høeg, JT & Chan, BKK. (2022). Living on fire: Deactivating fire coral polyps for larval settlement and symbiosis in the fire coral‐associated barnacle Wanella milleporae (Thoracicalcarea: Wanellinae). Ecology and Evolution, 12(7)
  4. Vaezzadeh, V, Thomes, MW, Kunisu, T, Tue, NM, Zhang, G, Zakaria, MP, Affendi, YA, Yap, FC, Chew, LL, Teoh, HW, Lee, CW & Bong, CW. Examination of barnacles’ potential to be used as bioindicators of persistent organic pollutants in coastal ecosystem: A Malaysia case study. Chemosphere, 263: 1-12.
  5. Yap FC, Wong, WL, Maule, AG, Brennan, GP, Chong, VC & Lim, LHS (2017). First evidence for temporary and permanent adhesive systems in the stalked barnacle cyprid, Octolasmis angulata, Scientific Reports, 7.
  6. Yap FC, Wong, WL, Maule, AG, Brennan, GP & Lim, LHS (2015). Larval development of the pedunculate barnacles Octolasmis angulata Aurivillius 1894 and Octolasmis cor Aurivillius 1892 (Cirripedia: Thoracica: Poecilasmatidae) from the gills of the mud crab, Scylla tranquebarica Fabricius, 1798. Arthropod Structure & Development, 44: 253-279.
  7. Yap FC, Yap, JY, Kiung, TL, Lee, JNZ, Kamau, NW & Kumaran, JV (2010). Phylogenetic analysis of different breeds of domestic chickens in selected areas of Peninsular Malaysia inferred from partial cytochrome b gene information and RAPD markers. Animal Biotechnology, 21, 226-240.