Professor Ir Ong Hwai Chyuan

Prof Ong

Professor Ir Ong Hwai Chyuan

  • Distinguished Professor
Department of Engineering
SDGs Focus


Professor Ir Dr Ong Hwai Chyuan is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) registered with the Engineering Council, UK. His research interests are energy & fuel, biomass energy, sustainable energy, environmental sustainability, circular economy, solar thermal system, and waste management. He is listed as Highly Cited Researcher (Engineering) by Clarivate Analytics in 2019-2022. He also named as Australia’s top early career researcher in sustainable energy in 2021. Currently, he is Associate Editor of Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, Alexandria Engineering Journal, and e-Prime. Ong is also Core Group Member of APRU Sustainable Waste Management (SWM) program. 

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD in Engineering, University of Malaya (2013)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Hons), University of Malaya, (2007)
  • Professional Engineer (Ir), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)
  • Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council, UK

Research Interests

  • Energy & Fuel
  • Biomass energy & Waste management
  • Thermochemical Conversion Technology
  • Techno-economic analysis & Circular Economy
  • Sustainable Energy & Environmental Sustainability

Notable Publications

  1. G Su, NWM Zulkifli, HC Ong, S Ibrahim, MY Cheah, R Zhu, Q Bu, Co-pyrolysis of medical protective clothing and oil palm wastes for biofuel: Experimental, techno-economic, and environmental analyses, Energy, 2023, 273, 127221.
  2. R Mishra, HC Ong*, CW Lin, Progress on co-processing of biomass and plastic waste for hydrogen production, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 284, 116983T 
  3. Huq, HC Ong, BT Chew, SN Kazi, MNM Zubir, ZC Ong, NBBM Azlan, Graphene nanoplatelet nanofluids stabilised by hybridisation with graphene oxide: preparation, stability, and performance in flat plate solar thermal collector, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2023, 148 (5), 2105-2118ESK 
  4. Why, HC Ong*, HV Lee, W-H Chen, N Asikin-Mijan, M Varman, WJ Loh, Single-step catalytic deoxygenation of palm feedstocks for the production of sustainable bio-jet fuel. Energy, 2022. 239, p. 122017.
  5. G Su, HC Ong*, M Mofijur, TMI Mahlia, YS Ok, Pyrolysis of waste oils for the production of biofuels: A critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022. 424, p. 127396.
  6. XJ Lee, HC Ong*, J Ooi, KL Yu, TC Tham, W-H Chen, YS Ok, Engineered macroalgal and microalgal adsorbents: Synthesis routes and adsorptive performance on hazardous water contaminants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022. 423, p. 126921ESK 
  7. Why, HC Ong*, HV Lee, W-H Chen, N Asikin-Mijan, M Varman, Conversion of bio-jet fuel from palm kernel oil and its blending effect with jet A-1 fuel. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021. 243, p. 114311.
  8. JHK Lim, YY Gan, HC Ong*, BF Lau, W-H Chen, CT Chong, TC Ling, JJ Klemeš, Utilization of microalgae for bio-jet fuel production in the aviation sector: Challenges and perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021. 149, p. 111396.
  9. XJ Lee, HC Ong*, W Gao, YS Ok, W-H Chen, BHH Goh, CT Chong, Solid biofuel production from spent coffee ground wastes: Process optimisation, characterisation and kinetic studies. Fuel, 2021. 292, p. 120309YY 
  10. Gan, W-H Chen, HC Ong*, Y-Y Lin, H-K Sheen, J-S Chang, TC Ling, Effect of wet torrefaction on pyrolysis kinetics and conversion of microalgae carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. Energy Conversion and Management, 2021. 227, p. 113609.
  11. HC Ong, WH Chen, Y Singh, YY Gan, CY Chen, and PL Show, A state-of-the-art review on thermochemical conversion of biomass for biofuel production: A TG-FTIR approach. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. 209.
  12. XJ Lee, HC Ong*, YY Gan, WH Chen, and TMI Mahlia, State of art review on conventional and advanced pyrolysis of macroalgae and microalgae for biochar, bio-oil and bio-syngas production. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. 210.