International Finance Experts Gather in Sunway University to Discuss Financial Innovation

International Finance Experts Gather in Sunway University to Discuss Financial Innovation

The two-day Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2019 entitled "Charting a New Course in Financial Innovation and Education", was held at Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur. 

The keynote address was delivered by Professor Robert F. Faff from University of Queensland who spoke on "Responsible Science and Replication Matters". In his opening address, Sunway Group Chief Financial Officer, Chong Chang Choong said that the financial sector was not exempt from the transformation brought about by the rapid advancement of technology, impacting workplace and the world. He also said, "We are moving towards a future where artificial intelligence and robots will take over most of the clerical and junior executive jobs, including those in the financial sector. I strongly believe education has now become an even more important feature in shaping future generations that will continue to thrive in such a rapid changing technological environment."

"It is currently vital for financial institutions, new entrants and policy-makers to work together to create the right environment for modernising the financial sector. The quality of education must also be in line, and advanced by seeking knowledge that will support new and unique ideas in curriculum, resources, and instructional techniques that will reach the students in more effective and exciting ways," said Professor Catherine Ho, Malaysian Finance Association President.

Highlights from the second day of the conference include a panel discussion on "Industry and Academia Research Forum" on "The New Financial Landscape: Matching Expectations from Industry and Academia" with Financial Accreditation Agency CEO, Khairul Nizam; Institute for Capital Market Research Director, Datin Azleen Osman Rani; and Bursa Malaysia Director of Securities Market, Mahdzir bin Lokman; and a keynote address by Journal of Financial Stability Managing Editor and Fordham Professor, Iftekhar Hassan, on "The Effects of Political Ties on Raising Capital".

The papers presented covered areas of corporate finance, asset pricing, market microstructure, behavioural finance, Islamic finance, financial institutions, international finance, emerging capital markets, and finance education. At the end of the Conference, the double blind-review conducted by a panel of established researchers resulted in seven best papers awards. Three of the best papers were awarded RM1,000 each and will be published in Capital Markets Review. Two other best papers were sponsored by the Pacific-Basin Finance Journal with a cash prize of USD$500 each, and another two best papers were sponsored by CFA Society Malaysia with USD$500 each and will be published in CFA Institute Asia-Pacific Research Exchange.

This article has been adapted from the original story on PR Newswire.