Belinda Fong Chong Lynn

Belinda Fong

Belinda Fong Chong Lynn

  • Senior Teaching Fellow
Department of Hospitality and Events
SDGs Focus


Ms Belinda Fong specialises in events management education, communications and media. Her diverse background obtained from the fields of journalism, hospitality, and public relations in the education industry, as well as the hospitality industry, gives her a broad perspective for advancing her teaching career in the area of media communications and events management. Her industry experiences are incorporated in her lessons with the Diploma, Degree, and Masters students, especially those involving the fundamentals and principles of events management and operations, media, and marketing communications. She is currently pursuing her PhD, where her research focuses on areas of digital cultures and communications. 

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD in Ethnic Studies (Communications), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia (current)
  • Masters of Communications (Integrated Marketing Communication), Universiti Sains Malaysia (2016)
  • BA in Mass Communications, Winona State University, USA (2000)

Research Interests

  • Digital identity, culture and communication
  • Persuasive digital communication and engagement
  • Integrated marketing communications and social media studies
  • Events design, planning and operations in events education management

Teaching Areas

  • Events Planning, Operations and Management
  • Marketing, publicity, media writing and management
  • Cultural studies
  • Community service
  • Digital Communications
  • Consumer Behaviour

Courses Taught

  • International Cultural Studies
  • Events Projects
  • Publicity for Events
  • Events Operations
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Community Service
  • Emerging Technology for Events
  • Publicity & Media Writing
  • Branding & Promotions
  • Events Planning & Management

Notable Publications

  1. Fong, B., Olmedo, E. & Chang, P.K. (2023). YouTubers and the Malaysian Youths: An Exploration into Digital Parasocial Relationships. Journal of Ethnic and Diversity Studies (JOEDS), 1(1), 1-23.
  2. Fong, B. (2022). The Perspectives of Event Experience Post COVID-19: Insights of the Stakeholders in Event Education. International Journal of Business Events and Legacies, 1(1), 38-48.
  3. Fong, B. (2022, May). The Perspectives of Event Experience Post COVID-19: Insights of the Stakeholders in Event Education. Proceedings of the 20th Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference, Sunway University, Malaysia.
  4. Fong, B. & Zolkepli, I.A. (2019). A content analysis of appeals in food advertisements for children on online TV streaming. SEARCH Journal of Media and Communication Research, 11(1), 113-136.
  5. Fong, B. (2019). A content analysis of product appeals in online TV food advertisements targeting children. Proceedings of the 2017 Food & Society Conference in Kuala Lumpur: Taste, Culture & Education. 344-358.

Professional Associations


  1. Senior Associate Member – Public Relations & Communications Association of Malaysia
  2. Professional Member – Asia Pacific Institute for Events Management (APIEM)
  3. Member – Malaysian Association of Convention and Exhibition Organisers and Suppliers (MACEOS)
  4. Member – Business & Major Events Academic Council (BMEAC)