Evelyn Loh Geok Yan


Evelyn Loh Geok Yan

  • Lecturer
Department of Hospitality and Events
SDGs Focus


Evelyn Loh formerly oversees marketing and PR initiatives for the School of Hospitality and Service Management. She is an avid writer and has contributed to numerous editorial writings on behalf of the School, and published in peer-reviewed academic journals. Her research interests include crisis management in hospitality, sustainable tourism, e-commerce applications in tourism, and hospitality marketing. Evelyn is currently pursuing a PhD in Hospitality and Tourism at Sunway University. 

Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD in Hospitality and Tourism, Sunway University, Malaysia (current)
  • Master in Business Administration, Management and Science University, Malaysia (2022)
  • Bachelor of Management (Major in Finance), Universiti Sains Malaysia (2014)

Research Interests

  • Crisis management in hospitality
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • e-Commerce applications in tourism
  • Hospitality marketing

Notable Publications

Book Chapter

  1. Loh, E. G. Y. & Stephenson, M. L. (2023/2024). Deciphering the impact of tourism-related crises in small Pacific Island states: Challenges and responses. In B. Prideaux and D. Beirman (eds.), Handbook on Crisis and Disaster Management in Tourism. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
  2. Loh, E. G. Y., Patovaki, J., & Kumar, N. N. (2023). The COVID-19 pandemic and the South Pacific: Evaluating crisis-related tourism recovery strategies. In M. L. Stephenson (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Small Island States in the Pacific, 93-109. London, UK: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780429019968-7
    https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85145855293&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f [Scopus-indexed]

Journal Articles

  1. Loh, E. G. Y. & Stephenson, M. L. (2021). Deciphering tourist shoppers’ U-commerce readiness: Current challenges and post-pandemic concerns. Journal of Management Research, 21(1), 3-17.
  2. Loh, E. G. Y., Stephenson, M. L., & Nezakati, H. (2021). Constructing a methodological approach to examine the determinants affecting purchase intention through perceived risk in the hotel context. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior, 3(2), 17-34.