Dr Wo Su Woan

Dr Wo Su Woan

  • Senior Lecturer
Department of Psychology


Dr Wo Su Woan graduated from Sunway University with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She continued her postgraduate studies at University of Malaya, focusing on the validation of health-related quality of life and family functioning questionnaires, systematic review, and qualitative research that explore the needs and challenges of children with epilepsy and their parents. She was a scholarship recipient for both her undergraduate (The Star Education Fund) and postgraduate (Bright Sparks) studies. Dr Wo previously worked with special needs children and their parents prior to joining Sunway University as Lecturer. She is a member of the Malaysian Psychological Association (PSIMA).


Academic & Professional Qualifications

  • PhD, University of Malaya, Malaysia (2018)
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology, Sunway University, Malaysia (2010)

Research Interests

  • Health literacy and well-being in parents and teachers of children with special needs
  • Health-related quality of life in children with chronic illness
  • Psychosocial intervention among parents and their children with special needs
  • Speech and language

Notable Publications

  1. Wo, S. W., Lai, P. S. M., Ong, L. C., Low, W. Y., Wu, D. B. C., Nathan, A. M., & Wong, C. P. (2018). Factorial validation of the Chinese General Functioning Subscale (GF-12) of the Family Assessment Device in Malaysia. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine, 21(2), 23–30.
  2. Wo, S. W., Ong, L. C., Low, W. Y., & Lai, P. S. M. (2018). Exploring the needs and challenges of parents and their children in childhood epilepsy care: A qualitative study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 88, 268–276.
  3. Wo, S. W., Ong, L. C., Low, W. Y., & Lai, P. S. M. (2017). The impact of epilepsy on academic achievement in children with normal intelligence and without major comorbidities: A systematic review. Epilepsy Research, 136, 35–45.
  4. Wo, S. W., Lai, P. S. M., Ong, L. C., Low, W. Y., Lim, K. S., Tay, C. G., Wong, C. P., & Sivanesom, R. (2015). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Malay version of the parent-proxy Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy (CHEQOL-25) in Malaysia. Epilepsy & Behavior, 45, 118–123.
  5. Wo, S. W., Lai, P. S. M., Ong, L. C., Low, W. Y., Lim, K. S., Tay, C. G., Wong, C. P., & Sivanesom, R. (2015). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Malay version of the child self-report Health-related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy (CHEQOL-25) in Malaysia. Epilepsy & Behavior, 51, 124–126.
  6. Wo, S. W., Lai, P. S. M., Ong, L. C., Low, W. Y., Lim, K. S., Tay, C. G., Wong, C. P., & Sivanesom, R. (2015). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Chinese version of the parent-proxy and child self-report Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy (CHEQOL-25) in Malaysia. Neurology Asia, 45, 118–123.
  7. Lim, K. S., Wo, S. W., Wong, M. H., & Tan, C. T. (2013). Impact of epilepsy on employment in Malaysia. Epilepsy & Behavior, 27(1), 130–134.