
Dr Salima Sadruddin Lalani: Gets Accepted as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at a Prestigious US Institution

Dr Salima Sadruddin Lalani who graduated with a PhD in Biology in 2021 from the School of Medical and Life Sciences is now a postdoctoral research fellow at the Albany Medical College in New York, USA. Her impactful work on enteroviruses gained her entry into a highly prestigious medical…

Sunway Postgraduate Student’s Publication on Long COVID-19 Gains Global Attention

Sunway University’s very own MSc postgraduate, Yong Shin Jie, is doing the University proud by pushing the boundaries of research excellence. Publishing as a single author in the journal ‘Infectious Diseases’ 2021, Shin Jie’s review paper on Long COVID garnered an impressive 118 citations from…

Research Ties between Sunway University with AstraZeneca get a Timely Boost!

By Professor Gopalasamy Reuben Clements
Researchers from Sunway’s School of Medical and Life Sciences and AstraZeneca met for the first time to understand each other’s research interests and to explore potential research collaborations. This article briefly describes the main outcomes of this collaborative discussion.

When One Vision Connects Two Brilliant Minds

From 1974 up until 1999, he served the nation as statesman and deputy minister under the administrations of former prime ministers Tun Mahathir and the late Tun Hussein Onn.

Nuclear Physics and Perseverance: Detective Tales from Mars

A key instrument on the Perseverance Rover is PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry), a microfocus X-ray fluorescence instrument that can analyze the elemental chemistry. Customised polycapillary X-ray focusing optics applied to an X-ray beam (from a rhodium anode, grounded-cathode…

Malaya Before Merdeka: Mirrored in the Life of H.S. Lee

Lee Hau-Shik was born in 1901—just a decade or two earlier than for those I mentioned above, but the world was quite a different place then. No world war was on the horizon. The Qing Dynasty was still trying to save itself after suffering defeat in the first Sino-Japanese War of 1895, losing…

Finding Myself in Research

By Professor Associate Professor Dr Hwang Jung Shan
My father was a businessman. He set up a shop selling and distributing imported spare parts for cars. My mother worked with him and together, the shop became a family business. I believe my father wanted me to be like him and to assist in running the business, though at that time, I never gave much…

Levelling Up Research

By Karen Lau
Universities are traditionally established to generate and disseminate new knowledge. Yet, as the world changes, so does the purpose of universities. Facing challenges such as reduced research funding, increased operation costs, new competitors, and the everchanging expectations of students,…

Indian Overseas Migrants in the Colonial Era

By Professor Crispin Bates
Indians migrated overseas in large numbers from the 1830s onwards following the abolition of slavery in the British empire in 1834 and in the French empire a decade later. They first left home to work in sugar plantations in the British colonies in the Caribbean and southern Indian Ocean, as well…

The Cost Of A Toxic Co-Worker

As managers are aware, the right employee or team member is crucial in taking organisations along its evolutionary path. Literature is abound with examples of the role that co-workers play to ensure organisations achieve their objectives of both profitability and employee satisfaction. There is…

Racism and Lessons from George Floyd

Something more sinister than COVID-19 is hiding unnoticed. For the past five months, the world has witnessed and experienced in awe and fear the unfolding of COVID-19 from one epicentre to another—from Asia to Europe to North America and now South America. To date, the coronavirus has infected…

Student Consumption and Debt in Victorian Oxford

By Professor Yuka Fujimoto
In 1877, then student at Magdalen College, Oscar Wilde was twice summoned by the University of Oxford proctors to appear before the University Court concerning a £30 debt involving fashionable goods. Wilde had ordered a felt hat, a superior suit and silk scarves from Joseph Muir, tailor and…