The Covid-19 pandemic has been difficult for everyone, and even more so for businesses in Malaysia with the stop-start movement control orders over the last 16 months and a half.
This article covers the signing of the collaborative agreement between Sunway University and the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine (MSGM), which is a significant milestone in the medical advancement for elderly health care in Malaysia. This collaboration between the two entities has resulted…
The BSc (Hons) Actuarial Studies programme, offered by the School of Mathematical Sciences, has achieved the highest QS 5 Stars rating under the programme strength category. This category identifies an institution’s specialist programme by looking at its competitiveness and strength in all…
This article highlights how virtual reality could be used to improve tourist and customer engagement and experience. Virtual reality presents the opportunity to be embedded in various aspects of the hospitality industry including airlines, hotel booking, hotel accommodations, and food and beverage…
Malaysian theatre has changed tremendously over the past few decades. This is widely attributed to better and higher quality productions as well as more contemporary performances from audiences across the country. There is a constant call for a more uniform and formal education programme in this…
As businesses had to adapt and cope with the unprecedented challenges and impact, the pandemic also forced the nature of work to change. Overnight, everyone must learn to work remotely. Online conference calls became a norm in the blink of an eye. Whoever managed to change in time managed to stay…
The word “psychometric” literally means “mind measurement” and to be strictly accurate psychometric assessments are a type of psychological test primarily concerned with abilities and aptitudes. Abilities are innate capacities that every human is born with, and probably the best known of these…
The concept of a “Good Life” is not new. It has been discussed and studied since ancient times, with philosophers and religious figures prescribing all sorts of spiritual and scientific approaches in the pursuit of happiness – to live the good life.