Think Pieces

Activities / News

#SUSTHACK – The Hackathon Approach to Sustainable Development

By Professor Ts. Dr -Ing. Lau Sian Lun
The Department of Computing and Information Systems under the guidance of Professor Lau Sian Lun received a project funding worth 32,000 € (approximately RM148,000) from the Finnish National Agency for Education Asia programme.

Educational Privilege – How the Playing Field is Levelled at Sunway Education Group

The United Nation’s 4th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4) on Quality Education emphasizes inclusion and equity as foundational elements of education policies. Malaysia’s multicultural, multilinguistic environment, require visionary policymakers and industry leaders to lead the way. How is…

How Business Schools Are Adapting to Meet Workforce Needs

What every business student learns is that where there is challenge, there is also opportunity. Around the world, the coronavirus pandemic has forced business schools to adapt, redirect, and refocus their offerings to meet the challenges presented by the “new norm” and to identify and cultivate the…

The Impact of Covid-19 on Malaysia’s Absolute Poverty Rate

As we kick off the month that saw Malaya gaining its independence 64 years ago, the release of Malaysia’s Voluntary National Review (VNR) report for 2021 is timely. The report, which is released once in four years, documents our progress in meeting sustainable development goals (SDG). For the 2021…

Leader and Manager - What’s The Difference?

Most people seem to have pretty clear ideas about the differences between leaders and managers, and also about which of these terms has more prestige. Just ask yourself, would you rather be seen by your colleagues as a great leader or an effective manager? My guess is that you want to be great…

Sympathising with People’s Travel Needs and Desires…but There is Light at the End of the Tunnel!

By Professor Marcus L Stephenson
The COVID-19 pandemic raises serious questions concerning the socio-psychological implications of people’s limited propensity to travel as a consequence of movement control orders (MCO) and fears of travelling to public places.

New Heroes of Higher Education: The Digital Lecturers

Over the past year, owing to the Covid19 pandemic, most universities have been forced to make a major shift in they way they teach their students, moving to online teaching or using a combination of online and face-to-face teaching and learning. The trend towards this was already underway well…

Sunway’s X Factor in Winning Competitions

Sunway University students swept the awards at the Hanzi-Bank of China Ang Pow Design Competition 2020. Four Sunway students beat more than 200 entries from students across the country to take home the top prizes. Design students at Sunway University have been constantly exposed to the latest…

Microbiomics: The Orang Asli Healthy Diet

The Orang Asli – the indigenous people of Peninsula Malaysia, still uphold their traditional lifestyle, including food preparation methods and consumption habits.

Amplifying Our Strengths Using Technology

Early last month, Chief Statistician Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin was quoted as saying that the labour market condition could face another challenging situation in upcoming months.

Nuclear Physics and Perseverance: Detective Tales from Mars

A key instrument on the Perseverance Rover is PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry), a microfocus X-ray fluorescence instrument that can analyze the elemental chemistry. Customised polycapillary X-ray focusing optics applied to an X-ray beam (from a rhodium anode, grounded-cathode…

Education: An Equaliser

While many education systems turned to alternative delivery modes, with online learning growing in popularity, it is estimated that remote learning remains out of reach for at least half a billion students across the globe. Even if students were able to return to school, it may come as a surprise…