Think Pieces

Activities / News

Nuclear Physics and Perseverance: Detective Tales from Mars

A key instrument on the Perseverance Rover is PIXL (Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry), a microfocus X-ray fluorescence instrument that can analyze the elemental chemistry. Customised polycapillary X-ray focusing optics applied to an X-ray beam (from a rhodium anode, grounded-cathode…

Education: An Equaliser

While many education systems turned to alternative delivery modes, with online learning growing in popularity, it is estimated that remote learning remains out of reach for at least half a billion students across the globe. Even if students were able to return to school, it may come as a surprise…

Malaya Before Merdeka: Mirrored in the Life of H.S. Lee

Lee Hau-Shik was born in 1901—just a decade or two earlier than for those I mentioned above, but the world was quite a different place then. No world war was on the horizon. The Qing Dynasty was still trying to save itself after suffering defeat in the first Sino-Japanese War of 1895, losing…

Climate and Environmental Governance: Building Cooler Cities for a Cooler Future

We have only 10 years left! The intergovernmental panel on climate change predicts this is the amount of time we have left to implement change before a global temperature rise of 1.5°C becomes irreversible. If we want to have a cooler future, sacrificing more forests for urban development is no…

The Future is Physical

It's been a year since the Covid-19 outbreak first became a major international story and educational institutions, from kindergartens to universities, were forced to move their operations online. So what have we learnt and what changes will be permanent? > Online teaching That brief statement…

No Fees, No Teachers and No Classrooms: Sunway Launches 42KL, Malaysia’s First Such Coding School

42 is the first in the world to offer peer-to-peer learning and is completely merit-based. The only requirement is that students must be above 18 years old. This ground-breaking coding school has a disruptive educational model as it has no tuition fees, no teachers, and no traditional classrooms.…

Award-Winning Research from Sunway University Provides Access to Clean Water in Remote Areas

The IChemE Water category award recognizes the best project or process to demonstrate engineering excellence in water use, clean-up, and re-use, with particular emphasis on reducing environmental impact while preserving commercial viability. The project, which was carried out in collaboration with…

Computing Students Selected to MMSA 2020 Program

Bachelor of Science (Honours) Information Systems (Business Analytics) students, Chan Wei Chee, Chan Wei Wei…

The Hidden Wealth of Neglected and Underutilised Crops

Malaysia is known throughout the world as a country rich with unique flora and fauna, and signature culinary arts. But for the urban Malaysian population, access to this cultural diversity has narrowed as a result of the easing of access to food containing high amounts of energy, fats, and sugar.…

Preparing for Advanced AI, Safely

Recent progress in advanced information technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are all very exciting and point to a new world in which life and work should become easier in the future. Cars that drive and park themselves, robots that perform surgery better than humans, and…

Housing Affordability A Concern for M40 and B40 Groups

Residential property prices in Malaysia have been rising in recent years. A report published by the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC) indicated that the residential price index was at an all-time high in 2017 and is expected to continue to rise.

It is Time for Business Schools to Practise What They Preach

The world of higher education is changing. Several trends are emerging and converging that will have an impact on the future of business education. One trend of shifting the power from higher education providers to the student means that students have an increasing expectation for mass…