Think Pieces

Activities / News

The Cost Of A Toxic Co-Worker

As managers are aware, the right employee or team member is crucial in taking organisations along its evolutionary path. Literature is abound with examples of the role that co-workers play to ensure organisations achieve their objectives of both profitability and employee satisfaction. There is…

Let's Make Learning Enjoyable

It is important to make classroom a lively and comfortable place to study. It is a challenge for any academic to create an interest in learning among students because not all subjects can engage everyone. Through careful curriculum designs, however, the use of various teaching methods may improve…

The Value of Universities

We often hear the expression that something is “purely academic”, which is usually taken to mean that, while it might be of interest (to someone, at least!), it is of little or no practical import or relevance to the real world. Speaking of the real world, I am just as often asked, as many…

Customer Experience

Every successful business is a customer experience business. Businesses that are customer-inadequate are bound to be disrupted by businesses that have adapted to today’s customer-centric marketplace. Customer centricity is the idea that organisations should get close to their customers. The…

The Good Impacts of COVID-19

At the time of writing, according to Worldometers, Malaysia had recorded close to 425,000 COVID-19 cases, out of which 91.8% had recovered, and at a considerably low 0.4% death rate. Although the rest of the world’s actual number of cases and deaths cannot be determined due to many untested,…

Turning Fishing Villages Into Tourism Destinations

Fishing villages along the east and west coasts of Peninsular Malaysia with predominantly Malay or Chinese communities can attract tourists for several reasons. One is their location and another is the unique lifestyle and the products they offer. When such villages were thriving, the fishermen…

Data Science Degree for 21st-Century Careers

Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is an age in which new disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and three-dimensional (3D) printing, are altering the way we live, work, learn, and communicate. This new wave of change is not the first…

Programming for Non-Programmers

Programming is a complicated subject. It is a subject about logic. Mathematics is another subject that is closely related to logic. However, unlike Mathematics where students need only to solve the problem, in programming, they also need to instruct the computer how the solution can be implemented…

The Hidden Wealth of Neglected and Underutilised Crops

Malaysia is known throughout the world as a country rich with unique flora and fauna, and signature culinary arts. But for the urban Malaysian population, access to this cultural diversity has narrowed as a result of the easing of access to food containing high amounts of energy, fats, and sugar.…

Preparing for Advanced AI, Safely

Recent progress in advanced information technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are all very exciting and point to a new world in which life and work should become easier in the future. Cars that drive and park themselves, robots that perform surgery better than humans, and…

It is Time for Business Schools to Practise What They Preach

The world of higher education is changing. Several trends are emerging and converging that will have an impact on the future of business education. One trend of shifting the power from higher education providers to the student means that students have an increasing expectation for mass…

Housing Affordability A Concern for M40 and B40 Groups

Residential property prices in Malaysia have been rising in recent years. A report published by the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC) indicated that the residential price index was at an all-time high in 2017 and is expected to continue to rise.