Think Pieces

Activities / News

The Value of Universities

We often hear the expression that something is “purely academic”, which is usually taken to mean that, while it might be of interest (to someone, at least!), it is of little or no practical import or relevance to the real world. Speaking of the real world, I am just as often asked, as many…

The Good Impacts of COVID-19

At the time of writing, according to Worldometers, Malaysia had recorded close to 425,000 COVID-19 cases, out of which 91.8% had recovered, and at a considerably low 0.4% death rate. Although the rest of the world’s actual number of cases and deaths cannot be determined due to many untested,…

Customer Experience

Every successful business is a customer experience business. Businesses that are customer-inadequate are bound to be disrupted by businesses that have adapted to today’s customer-centric marketplace. Customer centricity is the idea that organisations should get close to their customers. The…

Data Science Degree for 21st-Century Careers

Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) is an age in which new disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and three-dimensional (3D) printing, are altering the way we live, work, learn, and communicate. This new wave of change is not the first…

Turning Fishing Villages Into Tourism Destinations

Fishing villages along the east and west coasts of Peninsular Malaysia with predominantly Malay or Chinese communities can attract tourists for several reasons. One is their location and another is the unique lifestyle and the products they offer. When such villages were thriving, the fishermen…

Programming for Non-Programmers

Programming is a complicated subject. It is a subject about logic. Mathematics is another subject that is closely related to logic. However, unlike Mathematics where students need only to solve the problem, in programming, they also need to instruct the computer how the solution can be implemented…

New Technology Means New Opportunities, But Only for Those with Prepared Minds

Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution real? How will it affect us? Can we prepare for it? These are big questions that most of us know are out there, but surprisingly few people are discussing. The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 is certainly real and we are all aware of the exciting—or…

Combating Fake News — A Need For Media Literacy

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), news means information that has been verified in the public interest. Any information that does not meet this standard is not news. The term “fake news” came into vogue during the 2016 United States (US)…

Prepare for Your Future - Not for a Job

In my position as Dean of the School of Arts at Sunway University, one of the most frequent questions I am asked by prospective students and their families is “What job will I get with this degree?”. My typical answer seems to surprise them: “Don’t train for a job—prepare for your future!”  

Increasingly Graduates Must Create Their Own Jobs: Relevant Universities

The number of young people entering tertiary education is growing worldwide. In Malaysia, the participation rate in tertiary education is steadily increasing and, according to the national “Blueprint for Higher Education”, will rise from 36% in 2012 to 53% by 2025. This is very welcome news as…

Digital Readiness

The digital economy offers unprecedented opportunities. Governments, businesses and industries all across the globe are aware of the scale and impact of the digital economy on the gross domestic product (GDP). As more of the world goes online, more new ways are offered to enterprises and consumers…

Inclusive Business: How Do We Build It?

Research has increasingly highlighted the importance of business and society working together in reducing the growing income disparities across the world. Despite considerable efforts by non-governmental organisations, private and public companies, and individual giving, approximately 20% of the…