Think Pieces

Activities / News

The Post-Digital

In 1995, Nicolas Negroponte, founder of the MIT Media Lab, wrote a book called “Being Digital”. It was an overwhelming success translated into more than 40 languages. Negroponte coined key phrases that would find their way into our lives such as “atoms to bits”, “digital life” and “bitcasting”,…

Using UACI In Dealing With Your Personality Preferences

A team may comprise of more than one personality. Dealing with various personalities to obtain job optimisation can be challenging. As a leader in your position, how can you best capitalise on your team members’ strengths, deliver the results you envisage and, at the same time, take into…

Let’s Take Recycling to the Next Level

The demand for non-renewable resources continues to increase at a significant rate. The developed world has adopted a linear, consumption-oriented way of life. The amount of wastes generated from the mining of raw materials, manufacturing, selling, and ultimately disposing of products puts an…

New Technology Means New Opportunities, But Only for Those with Prepared Minds

Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution real? How will it affect us? Can we prepare for it? These are big questions that most of us know are out there, but surprisingly few people are discussing. The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 is certainly real and we are all aware of the exciting—or…

Combating Fake News — A Need For Media Literacy

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), news means information that has been verified in the public interest. Any information that does not meet this standard is not news. The term “fake news” came into vogue during the 2016 United States (US)…

International Finance Experts Gather in Sunway University to Discuss Financial Innovation

The two-day Malaysian Finance Association Conference 2019 entitled "Charting a New Course in Financial Innovation and Education", was held at Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur.