Staying Healthy During CNY: Emeritus Prof Datin Dr Chia Yook Chin


As the Chinese New Year festivities approach, balancing the joy of reunions and delicious meals with mindful eating is essential. In an article published by The Star, Emeritus Prof. Datin Dr. Chia Yook Chin, President of the Malaysian Society for World Action on Salt, Sugar, and Health (MyWASSH), shared valuable insights on maintaining a healthy approach during this celebratory period. Listed here is some of her advice:

Prioritise Portion Control:
"One should enjoy, but the main thing is portion size, as smaller portions mean fewer calories. Limiting oneself by not bingeing and gorging for the whole Chinese New Year period is a sensible approach."

Beware of Hidden Calories:
"Sweet drinks and alcohol are often consumed without awareness of the calories they contain. It's important to be mindful of what we eat, especially during the festive season."

Consideration for Health Conditions:
"Individuals with diabetes, high cholesterol, or kidney disease need to be cautious with their food intake. Consult with your doctors and dietitians to determine what and how much you can eat during the festive season."

Start Healthy Habits Early:
"Eating healthily from a young age is crucial. Many illnesses can be prevented by adopting good and healthy lifestyles."

In the spirit of Chinese New Year, Prof. Dr. Chia Yook Chin's advice encourages us to celebrate responsibly. With a focus on portion control, awareness of hidden calories, and consideration for health conditions, we can enjoy the festivities while prioritising our well-being. As we conclude the celebrations, let's carry these insights forward, embracing a year of mindful and healthy choices. Wishing all a prosperous and health-conscious year ahead!

This article has been adapted from a piece featured in The Star. To read The Star's article, click here.