Transforming Data to Impact: An Insightful Forum

Transforming Data to Impact

In the age of data science and AI, the immediate relevance of statistics might elude some. However, the recent Statistics Forum organised by the School of Mathematical Sciences and Sunway Career Services illuminated its indispensable role in today's landscape.

The theme, "Transforming Data to Impact," echoed through riveting presentations, where esteemed speakers unveiled the transformative power of statistics in driving real-world change.

Utilising Statistics to Drive Big-Fast-Results
In his keynote speech, Dato' Sri Idris Jala showcased statistics' pivotal role in achieving rapid, significant results across various domains. Through compelling case studies, he demonstrated its application in turning around businesses, addressing crime, revolutionising education, and tackling the COVID-19 crisis.

Statistical Tools for Market Success
Ms Mei Lan Lim took the stage to share an innovation market research journey. She highlighted various statistical tools that contributed to the successful launch of a client’s juice product, emphasising the importance of analysis rooted in the Ipsos framework, guided by science and statistics.

Statistics and AI Solutions
Mr. Asif Muhammad Iqbal provided valuable insights into how statistics shape AI solutions. Using a case study from Maxis, he demonstrated how statistical tools were instrumental in creating a successful recommender system, resulting in more significant revenue and monetisation.

A prominent take-home message from the forum is that solving complex problems doesn't always require complicated tools. Essential statistical tools can be handy, emphasising that it's not about the data but about defining the goal and what you aim to achieve first.

The Statistics Forum was a resounding success, bringing together professionals, academics, and students to explore the transformative potential of statistics in the modern age. In a dynamic era dominated by data science and AI, the Statistics Forum illuminated the enduring significance of statistical tools in catalysing real-world change. From business turnarounds to crime reduction and pandemic recovery, the event underscored the timeless impact of statistics in shaping a transformative landscape.

Associate Professor Dr Jason Ng Wei Jian
School: School of Mathematical Sciences
Sunway Email: @email